Armoured plate.

As a thought, you might ask who even wears personal protection, let alone with any sort of trauma plates. We're not all SEALs here, ya know. :)
I don't think we should be too quick to judge people who wear armor. Honestly, some people see gun owners in general as paranoid and we do promote the ability to defend oneself.

I used to work armed security and had a Kevlar vest. I wore it when I worked. I do still occasionally wear it. In particular, I wear it at an indoor range nearby because I personally do not like the place for many reasons. I wont go into all of them, but they do book multiple people into lanes and rent guns. I have seen some people holding guns sideways like a "gangsta" and I couldn't imagine they have taken safety classes or at least do not take it seriously. In addition to that, over the years they have had people come to the range, rent a gun and commit suicide. I actually had a worker there make fun of me for wearing my vest asking if I thought I would be mauled by a bear or something where I specifically pointed out the suicides at their location. He was quick to drop the subject. I typically do not go to that range and avoid it as much as possible but I have shot some matches there and I have also trained friends there because that was a nearer location to them than my preferred ranges. I have only gone there a handful of times over the years.

Many people have the luxury of their own range or a range/club where they know everyone there. Living by a major city, I feel more comfortable wearing the vest when I am around guns, people I do not know, and people who are shooting unsafely. Same goes for if I am teaching someone who has never held a gun before. Accidents can happen and if I have the means to prevent it, I will. I of course go over gun safety, but if you can tell me you have never in your life thought that at a public range that someone has never accidentally had the barrel of their gun point at you, you are lucky. I already have the vest, doesn't sound like a bad idea to use it in this situation. These things happen and albeit however rare, we collectively tend to not overlook the improbable.

I am only saying, we shouldn't be quick to label a practice we maybe don't understand, the situation or the use. Especially in regards to safety. Just wanted to give an example that I think you could empathize with.
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In my plate carriers I use the cheapest paper, usually from walmart. No need to pay for plastic or chinet when you've got the wicker carriers for support.
The Malicious0ne said:
I don't think we should be too quick to judge people who wear armor. Honestly, some people see gun owners in general as paranoid and we do promote the ability to defend oneself.
If that was directed at me, I was not judging. I was commenting. This site is not, overall, a site dedicated to military or armed security personnel, it's a site for general discussions of guns and firearms-related topics. Sure, there are some members who are current or former military, police, or armed security, but I suspect it's not a large percentage of the total membership.

This forum has 144,617 members. Realistically, how many of them do you suppose wear (or even own) an armored vest? Of those who do wear a vest, what percentage do you suppose use trauma plates?

I just found the question to be very curious, and especially since it wasn't posted in the Tactics and Training discussion area. When the OP writes, "What do you guys wear ..." that basically implies an expectation that everyone he's addressing wears trauma plates.
Aguila, I completely agree with you.

I was only pointing out there may be circumstances for a small population of people that it wouldn't be totally nonsensical. However rare that may be.
I have seen military and police wear plates at carbine matches. A friend wears one in a COS play paradigm.

Wearing it in every day life would be difficult.
you might ask who even wears personal protection, let alone with any sort of trauma plates. We're not all SEALs here, ya know.

My guess is 1% or less for actual rifle plates. I'm currently plain clothes law enforcement in a moderate risk assignment. Not LAPD swat, but not barney fife either. I haven't worn SAAPI plates outside of military service.
I wear armor at Dept qualification. Dead serious. Other than that it would be pretty rare for me to strap on a plate carrier. I have one with AR500 shooter cut plates, got the whole deal from some years ago on a great deal...don't know when I will ever use it for any practical purpose, but by gun I've got one just in case! :D