Arming the Infantry-the Rifle Squad

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Hard Ball

New member
We have had some interesting discussions about what rifle we shoud issue our infantry, but they have been focused on the individual soldier. Normally, however, our infantry men fight in sqquads, the smaallest organized unit and the squad fights as a team. In a light division the squad consists of the squad leader armed with an M16A2, and two four man fire teams each armed with a .223 SAW belt fed light machine gun, one grenadier armed with an M16A2 rifle with 40mm M203 grenade launcher attached and one man with an M1A26 rifle.
If you were going to try to improve the firepower and combat effectiveness of the squad, what changes would you make in the current weapons and/or the strength and organization of the squad.
As an example un World War Two the German infantry suad included a belt feb 7.92mm MG42 machine gub. Would something like that be a good idea for us? What are your ideas?
In close quarters terrain (cities, jungles, etc.) I would have to add a 12 ga scattergun for whomever is on point. Something like a Winchester model 12 without the interrupt, 20" cylinder bore and extended magazine tube.
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