Arming the Homeless??

Bill Mitchell

Staff Alumnus
Apparently,in Phoenix,an organization is giving homeless people guns. Exchange of guns is done as a private party transfer,and the homeless who receive these guns sign a form that states they are not felons. They choose their firearms from a shopping cart full of guns,and it seems that the only training they get is how to load and operate the guns. Read this <a href= > Arming the Homeless </a>

While I'm a supporter of RKBA,this seems a little reckless and gives the antis fodder to attack private party transfers.

This has got to be a joke. If it is not, my knee jerk reaction is to have call my friends in Pheonix, have them dirty themselves up and run down there tonight to get a free gun or two.

Other than that, I still can't believe it is legit, if it is it is incredibly foolish.

Before someone cries "Foul!" why shouln't poor people have guns.. I say.. To Acquire a gun and learn how to use it is one thing. I'd have nothing against selling a gun to someone just becuase they couldn't afford a home., but to willy nilly GIVE someone a gun BECAUSE they are homeless.. quite possibly becuase of their own irresponsibility, laziness or lack of ability to earn a living... well.. that is a different thing entirely.

You bring up one of the points that makes this seem incredible to me-how do you know that the person pulling their gun of choice out of that shopping cart is homeless? Not to mention,assuming that they are not felons or mentally unstable because they sign a piece of paper. And are these folks going to open carry? I'll bet not,and I'll also bet that they don't have CCW permits.

I agree-there's nothing fundamentally wrong with homeless people having guns. But,giving
them guns just because they're homeless,with no regard for proper training or their mental
state,is reckless and unsound.


April Fools guys


"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

For our sakes,I hope you're right. Why a newspaper would concoct an elaborate ruse(photos,website for the supposed organization) is beyond me,but I suppose they could have. As far as their integrity goes as
a source of news,it's pretty thin,in my book.

Anyhow,they got me.


Its not a "real" newspaper, ala WST, NYT, etc
Its New Times, a freebie throwaway alternative...

This link is for my local New Times

This is the 90's New Times, that used to be a drug/sex paper back in the 60's. They grew up and many times actually do have real news and local stuff. The guys that started it are in their 50's and 60's and not quite the radical firebrands they were in there youth...though I still consider them Commies :)
There must have been some related news item and so they took it to the ridiculous....the gag in my New Times is "Oil World"...the truth is that the town of Avila Beach was bought out and depopulated because UNOCO has been leaking oil there since the 20's and it began surfacing. They are totally excavating the place. The town of Avila Beach doesn't really exist anymore. Also look at the author's names in yours and mine

here is the parent company:

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

[This message has been edited by DC (edited April 02, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by DC (edited April 02, 1999).]
Joke yes, but lets stop and think about the concept. If done properly ie. background checks, full training etc. It would accomplish several things the least of which would be a strong statement about the 2nd.

It's a nice fantasy thinking you could do something for these people to defend themselves, but reality is different. 99% of them would only take the gun and sell it at their first opportunity. Sad.

Me, I got more upset by the bias of the author than I did about them giving guns to the homeless. Examples stating that a simi was full auto. God I hate that when I see some flaming liberal spew that garbage out.

I was about to write a letter to the editor on that. Glad I came back here and read the rest of the threat before I made a fool of myself. :) Hey, I trust my fellow gun owners here on TFL. (well used to!) lol.

Oh by the way Bill, I believe in tripple revenge.... I'll get you for this... :)


Here in Atlanta,we have our freebie throwaway alternative,as well. "Creative Loafing",however,at least gives the impression of having some journalistic ethics. They did a story on the SHOT Show that was balanced,and one of their reporters visited our Cowboy Action Shooting match for two months straight to get info on an article. The article hasn't come out yet,but I feel confident that it,too,will be balanced.

As a freelance writer,I guess I'm a little more sensitive to "newspapers" doing a dance on the ethics and integrity that I strive to follow every time I write a piece.


Consider it revenge enough that I was quite embarrassed by falling for their little trick and then posting here regarding it :)
