Armi Sport '92 : any good?


I'm thinking about purchasing an Armi Sport ( Taylor) '92 in .45 Colt.
any comments pro or con much appreciated!

I have a Rossi 92 in .357 and have talked to a couple of folks with the EMF/Hartford in 45lc. (which I believe is the same rifle)

If you have a line on one at a good price, don't pass it up.

The model92 is easier to slick up than the 94s...maybe the 73 is better yet.
(but the mode 73s are going for 2x the least!)

Well,I went ahead and did it, picked up an Armi Sport "92 takedown
in .45 Colt sight unseen from a dealer online. I have to say, I'm
impressed. Beautiful case color on the receiver, hammer, and lever,
some of the nicest walnut I've seen on the stock and forend. Fit and
finish are excellent, no stupid markings or tang safety. Functions
well with the exception of a "long" gate, making loading the last few cartridges a nusance, but that's an easy fix. shoots as well as
you could want, seems to point off center, but hits dead on. takedown
is snug and smooth, and in all respects, is a wonderful re-creation,
certainly compares faforably with the new Winchesters. These can
be seen online at Taylors website.
No complaints with mine

It's a stainless Legacy(made by Rossi) .45 with the twenty inch barrel. Got it for a great price from CDNN in Texas and love it. More accurate than I thought it would be. Almost like a toy when you first pickit up. Handy and slim. Easy to carry just about anywhere.