Armed & Safe Student Bodies


Wouldn't it be nice if there was some kind of program for students who have been "passed" as mentally competent and responsible to be allowed to CCW on campus, creating an elite civilian defense force (:))to hopefully dissuade and/or incapacitate those darned student killers?

What I mean is, basically, since the campus laws can interfere with CCW licensed students, a program from within the school or state that can counteract and give additional qualification to allow for CCW on the premises?
Right now we're working on laws to simply allow existing CCW holders, both 21 and up students as well as faculty and staff, on campuses either by revoking laws against it or prohibiting policies against it. At least 5 or 6 states have it in the works right now.
Michigan is working on getting rid of the no carry zones including college campuses. The only problem is that Michigan law allows for employer (even state/local government) bar employees from carrying while at work so there goes all professors, staff, graduate students and for that manner any undergrads that have campus job. Anyways the university would work in a no carry clause into each student’s emissions or dormitory forms and rules. So unless each law directly state they can’t do something like this I am afraid very little will change.
carry on campus

One of the arguments that the anti gunners make is that the student body isn't mature enough. I think this is a fallacy. As I understand it almost if not all states have a 21 or older requirement to get a permit. Considering your freshman are just out of high school that would make them 18-19 years old. that would pretty much limit it to seniors and post grad students. As for the faculty, if they are not mature enough, What are they doing teaching in the first place?

They have recent interview on CNN where the student opposing carrying on campus says he thinks even professor should not carry because he has seen them get mad at students and they may shoot a student in class.
There is a bill making its way through committee in Arizona that will make it legal for anyone with a CCW permit (student, staff, private citizen) to carry guns in schools in grades K-12 and on all college campuses.

The main concern for police administrators is not that folks will carry, but in the event of an active shooter the cops may not be able to tell the good guys from the bad. How to deal with a police officer while armed is taught in AZ CCW courses, and will hopefully serve to eliminate collateral damage if the law is passed.

Alabama recently had a law submitted to allow students to carry on campus, but I can't say I'm all that pleased with it. Seems to be nothing more than lip service.
Ah yes, the one saying that ROTC students can carry. Since then, though, they have 3 more, at least one of which should pass. They are Senate bills 18, 27, and 271.
It just boggles my mind that the anti-gunners can't understand that if there was a system by which the sane, stable, decent people who are genuinely concerned with their own safety and possibly even the safety of others can't even serve in some kind of emergency capacity (SHTF) when/if a truly disturbed, disaffected individual decides to kill everyone they can get in their sites. They seem to be wired in to a fear-reaction that is beyond rationality, to the level of objects (i.e. firearms) and have the numbers to make the laws that criminalize those who refuse to be victims.

It is because the firearms are so easy to purchase and use that they should be carried by at least a guaranteed minority to counteract. It is because the "rights" of the disturbed are so strongly protected that they have the power to procure their firearms that the right to live by the innocent is forgotten. Those who are certified, by whatever means, could help to counteract this emergent, growing problem. It is a very hard salve, but one that looks to be rationally justified. Even a tally of fellow students can reveal a lot about a given individual, to forbid the carrying or encourage the carrying of these horribly, terribly evil awful lifesaving firearms.

We've got a lot of problems, here in America. But that's the price of freedom, as it's turned out, here, unfortunately.

That said, man... I've killed a lot of people in San Fierro. And I mean a lot. But, even though some people have taken a huge crap on me (in the real world), for some odd reason.. I don't go out on a rampage, killing random people.. :p
Wouldn't it be nice if there was some kind of program for students who have been "passed" as mentally competent and responsible to be allowed to CCW on campus, elite civilian defense force...

I believe what you are talking about is a militia. Why can't faculty and staff be a part of it too?

It just boggles my mind that the anti-gunners can't understand that if there was a system by which the sane, stable, decent people who are genuinely concerned with their own safety and possibly even the safety of others can't even serve in some kind of emergency capacity (SHTF) when/if a truly disturbed, disaffected individual decides to kill everyone they can get in their sites.

As for being mentally competent, as far as anyone associated with issuing his FOID card, Steven (Stephen) Kazmierczak was mentally stable and responsible.

Why can't anti-gunners understand? In part because they don't trust the system to competently screen out unstable lunatics like Kazmierczak and so they feel that more guns on campus increases the chances for problems instead of increasing safety.

One of the arguments that the anti gunners make is that the student body isn't mature enough. I think this is a fallacy. As I understand it almost if not all states have a 21 or older requirement to get a permit. Considering your freshman are just out of high school that would make them 18-19 years old. that would pretty much limit it to seniors and post grad students.

Right, so it isn't just the universities that feel most students would not be mature enough to concealed carry on campus, but most states as well. Most of the kids on campus are not 21 or over. With that said, I think those with CCW permits should be allowed to carry on campus without any special background checks beyond the norm for getting the concealed carry permits.

As for the faculty, if they are not mature enough, What are they doing teaching in the first place?
Maturity in handling a firearm and maturity in teaching are not the same thing.
Allowing students to carry won't solve the problem since most students in college are not old enough to carry, it would do little in other grades. The US should have a program in place like Israels that trains Professors and teachers in self defense.
The reason they oppose carry on campus is because they don't want the students to think outside of the leftist molding they so tirelessly work to shape them by. It doesn't fit their agenda. It's one big reason why I am such a big fan of campus carry because it attacks the social disease at its nest.
Armed? sure... safe? Probably not. Safer? maybe. I seriously doubt that there would be prevention of violence even if all students were carrying. Limiting the extent of the violence is the best that can be hoped for.
Ah yes, the one saying that ROTC students can carry. Since then, though, they have 3 more, at least one of which should pass. They are Senate bills 18, 27, and 271.

SB18 allows for ROTC to carry and also has a provision to allow others to carry at the discretion of the university. Training is required and must be approved by the university. A felony or misdeamenor conviction will get you axed. I understand the felony conviction, but I wonder if misdeamenors will include traffic violations. This one pretty much leaves everything up to the discretion of the university and I don't trust it. I'd like to see it mirror SB27 to the extent that only the concealed weapons license is required for carry, maybe throw in state approved training.

SB27 allows for professors and employees of state sponsored colleges or universities to carry if they have a concealed weapons license. SB271 appears to be the exact same bill (at least the text of both read exactly the same). This one I fully support.
Okay. Wow. This is the info I needed for insight. It is discouraging, in that the ROTC and educational staff are but a smaller, sadly ineffectually smaller, slice of the theoretical safety net that could be possible. The TAs, professors, etcetera are just too small in number. But, given that the idea of a student "body" that can open fire in response to such an eggregious SHTF situation can result in collateral damage is also a sad concept.. I just wish there was more available, to the educational institutions, to allow for a reality-based tier system for such a safety network to exist.

Thank you so much for the informed response.