Armed litter crew

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New member
Here is a interesting article I haven't seen here
I thought this part was disturbing.
Despite this, local law enforcement will still stop gun owners who open-carry, particularly when panicked citizens call the cops when they see someone with a gun. "Obviously someone carrying an open handgun in an urban environment is a concern to us. It is very unusual for us to find someone carrying open," says Sgt. John Urquhart, spokesperson for the King County Sheriff's Office. "Any call we get about a person carrying a handgun openly, deputies will contact that person and, depending on circumstances, may or may not take the gun away for safety reasons."
Good to see that some of their officers will decide if you can exercise your rights:barf:
Safety reasons?

What kind of safety reasons would require a person who carries a holstered weapon to be disarmed? Oh.... wait, I know. Safety of any potential muggers. I mean, it should be obvious I suppose. A guy can't even make a dishonest living, what with so many armed pedestrians running around.
Surprise! I live two blocks from the restaurant mentioned in the article, where the Open Carry folks gather.

Maybe that explains the guy who open carries a Glock here in Burien. I've seen him a couple of times and at first thought he was an off-duty cop whose shirt had pulled up and wasn't covering the gun.

A later sighting told me he wasn't trying to cover it.

I may just have to go meet with them.

Bart Noir
I agree, if you aren't breaking the law. Comply then sue.

If OC is legal what would be the charge? Intentionally exercising ones rights in flagrant disregard of the mental well being of panicked hopolophobes..

That said, still not a fan of OC. Just my opinion, especially in the urban setting.
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We call it Disorderly Conduct here and it can only be a arrest made on signed complaints. I would think it would lead to a charge of false arrest depending on the outcome of court case.
Yep. It's disgusting. Comply, assert respectfully that you are not breaking any law, get a receipt for you seized property. Then sue

Sue the officer(s) individually. Sue the department. Sue the training officer personally. Sue everyone in a supervisor role personally. Sue the chief. Sue the city council.
As a gun owner/carrier

You must obay the laws of wherever you are.... easy. Get a copy of the laws and keep them handy (in your car/folded up in your wallet) Know the laws, abide by them to the letter, carry the proof. If you are doing as per the law & you are hassled, quote the relevant law, ask for the name/id of the complainant.... and enjoy sueing them :D

I reckon, false accusation (resulting in false arrest, slander, deformation of charactor & pain and suffering)..... you might end up with a few grand (to buy more guns with of course) :D

Maybe you should carry a spare tinfoil hat & offer it to the complainant? :D
Sue the officer(s) individually. Sue the department. Sue the training officer personally. Sue everyone in a supervisor role personally. Sue the chief. Sue the city council.

Most departments idemnify members against all damages except punitive. So, the sue everyone idea is a loud noise signifying nothing. Sue the culpable party. I guarantee that everyone would send it up the chain so there is one guilty party and that guilty party will have gold on his collar.

Unless said arrest is made on signed complaints then it isn't the PD's problem.
I know most departments idemnify their officers and you have color of law protections. I would like to see all that go away. No more protections. Just like us citizens. I bet if cops did not have those protections, you would see a decrease in a lot of "incidents" that criminal charges are never filed.

With that said. Comply with the officer. Refuse any search, be nice but firm. On the side of he road is not a place to "hash it out". Take it to court.
I know most departments idemnify their officers and you have color of law protections. I would like to see all that go away.

I wish I lived in the world you do. In my world the Police are held to higher standards than the GP. In fact, I got in an arguement with a muckety muck today in regard to just such a instance. Copper got cruxified for political nonsense
I know most departments idemnify their officers and you have color of law protections. I would like to see all that go away. No more protections. Just like us citizens. I bet if cops did not have those protections, you would see a decrease in a lot of "incidents" that criminal charges are never filed.

Well, we kind of need policemen. Or, rather, we need them to be willing to do their jobs. If you just want a bunch of trained witnesses in uniforms who drive around and fill out reports, there's a way to get that.
So police should be excused or not prosecuted of some if not all criminal charges if it was in the line of duty? Correct? So you would excuse the 5 officers in Alabama who beat the hell out of a suspect, knocked out on the ground. And excuse the several in LE at the officers departments who knew, saw the video, edited it to give to be DA and kept it secret for over a year.

Yep. That's the police force I want. Your response about just witness/report writing is childish and non sensical. I do live in the real world. Where folks are held respnsible for their actions and not where a special few get special treatment. Come on back down to planet earth. You need to beam off of the ninja tactical special protections planet. Or would you prefer that all police officers just be issued a warrant disk. Make is easy on ya. Then you wouldn't have to do much work.
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