Armed and ready

Blue Heeler

Here's a pic from New Orleans. I like his two shotguns but the ugly woman and the claw hammer are hard to figure.


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Claw hammers are quiet, effective and ubiquitous. Can you imagine having to try to figure out what brand of claw hammer made the marks on a defunct looter's skull?

Shotguns are much the same but not so quiet.

Here's how I read it.

If you try to come in, you will alert the dog. The ugly woman and the sign writer will then come and hold you at gunpoint with two shotguns. Then one or the other will quietly and effectively use the ubiquitous claw hammer on you. After that, my guess is you would be taken somewhere you could be flotsam awhile until an alligator had you for lunch--not that you would care at that point.
"I don't really get the claw hammer."

Imagin getting hit with the claw end of a hammer any where on the body, any where.
If you could even speek.
Good weapon to have in a bad time, not to mention all the other good uses. I would take one over a knife any day,,, but thats also with a gun on my hip. The only problem with a hammer is its long range capability is nil.
BUt then again it never needs reloading :cool:
The claw end makes for a very distinctive forensic mark and as such are readily identifiable as being caused by claw hammers.
Yup, then once you've narrowed the murder weapon down to being one of several hundred million claw hammers in the U.S. you're home free... :D

Actually, the claws on a claw hammer are curved too much to be useful as a weapon. I believe that's a framing hammer in the picture above. If you work at it enough, the claws could still hit the person, but you're better off turning it around and bludgeoning them with the hammer part.
It's called crainal ventilation and any fireman who has worked in a bad area and knows what a haligan bar is is familar with the concept --- for those of you unfamilar with the haligan bar imagine a pry bar on steroids with a side mounted pike at one end.

If you are a paramedic you might end up having to use your portable oxygen tank, then it's calleg "aggresive oxygen therapy"

The metal clipboard cops/medics/fireman carry is also a good first choice, I have personally seen one with human bite marks on it.

big hunk of metal + strong arm = no more hostility.
several hundred million claw hammers in the U.S.

Here in California we have to fill out paperwork at the hardware store and then there is a 15 day waiting period while the State approves our purchase.We can only buy Claw Hammers that are on the States "Approved Roster". No sales to under 21. :)
If it has a claw, it’s a claw hammer. Framer’s hammers, Trim hammers, Finish hammers, etc. are usually also claw hammers and come in curved or straight claw versions, different weights, head designs, handle profiles, etc.

Well, I’m pretty decent with a hammer and have actually used one on someone…
No, I wasn’t trying to kill them. Most of the weight is at the head so if you swing it normally, it moves a little slowly and allows them to defend. Of course, if you did connect, it would be messy. Also both the head and claw can catch on clothing or flesh and cause you to lose your weapon. Hold it by the head with the handle between middle and ring finger and you will have an easy to hold on to, FAST moving club. Wood handles are almost useless. Estwing brand like the one shown are extremely uncomfortable. All time best Assault Hammer :D is a 22oz. Plumb brand framers hammer with a fiberglass handle.(My hands are pretty big so you guys that don’t like magnum grips may prefer a 16oz.straight claw finish hammer) The rubber coating on the handle tends to "grab" and darn near spin their head around. After they’re still, I guess you could use it the other way to squish the brains. Same thing with a crow bar … hold on to the curved end and you’ll be able to keep your weapon.
Please explain what you mean by saying that wooden handles are nearly useless. You then go on to advocate a fiberglass-handled hammer. Are you still talking about the holding-the-head grip with the handle stuck out between fingers? Why is wood not good for that but fiberglass is? I thought you'd be talking about the weight of it, and then advocate a metal-shafted handle.

I have a Craftsman hammer. I figure that if it gets bent in combat, I can return it for another one no questions asked. :D

I think that the guy should have written, "I am lurking inside..." or maybe "waiting," because "sleeping" just makes it seem that there's a good chance of catching the guy all groggy and off-kilter. Might even encourage someone to try to slip past the dog without waking either it or the dude up.

wood handles are the RG .38 of the hammer world. They tend to break right at the head and are also a little too light and the head usually does not have a "skirt" extending down from it ... putting the inside of your fingers against a rounded surface(kinda hurts when you hit something). The fiberglass seems to have the "right weight" and the metal of the head extends down about an inch and is roughly rectangular ... flat surface more comfy against the fingers.
2 other advantages of the "reverse grip" are 1. quick draw from the tool belt and 2 . If you already have it out, it looks less threatening. :D
I think that the guy was serious but wanted to bring some levity to the situation.

Either that or his wife had the claw hammer and she knew how to use it (after she stunned the looter with her face/body :eek: ).

I understand the sign has changed.............
Updated sign reads:
Don't Try.
I am sleeping inside.
Ugly Woman Left.
Having Dog Gumbo
Still have 2 Shotguns
and a Clawhammer.