Armalite ar10


New member
Just saw this rifle for sale here in Switzerland. I really don’t know much about this model, is it reliable, accurate, fun to shoot, historically interesting etc.. ? Opinions and experiences welcome.

It’s a full auto rifle in 7.62X51 (.308). I understand from the magwell markings that it was built in the Netherlands by Artillerie-Inrichtingen. Serial number seems to be 000692.

Good news is that it comes with three magazines, I imagine those would be hard to find and pricey.

Price is a bit cheaper than the M16s I bought lately, so I am tempted.


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A design by Stoner from which the AR 15 was developed. I have no personal experience with them, but I can tell you they are NOT the same rifle sold commercially today as "AR 10s" Close but not the same, as the first AR 15s are not the same as current versions.

My old copy of SMALL ARMS OF THE WORLD says Artillerie Ingrichtigen manufactured limited quantities on contract basis. The rifle was not adopted by the Netherlands.

A few countries did, off the top of my head, I think Portugal was one. For a time.

The rifles are known but very scarce and spare magazines, even more rare.

If it is cheaper than an M16, I'd consider it a "find" and get it. Not possible in the US due to our laws here. We are very restricted when it comes to full automatic arms.
are they reliable: Reasonably
accurate: Better than military average of the era
fun to shoot: Jawohl mein herr
historically interesting: yes very much so as it preceeded the AR15.

If you are not aware, the hook in the handguard is how you cock it.

Wenn die mechanik gut aussieht, kaufen ihr sie. ;)
Looks like a very early model, and I think the contract ones are fairly collectable. Not sure on the market over there. In the US (with our laws driving prices on pre-1986 full autos very high), that would be priced in the range of a new Lexus...
I wouldn't even pause to think about it if it was in good condition and available for say $3000--that rifle is very rare and also very historic--arguable the "father" of all light weight US infantry battle rifles since Stoner first designed the then-radical ultra lightweight aluminum receiver in the 1950's. Stoner's ultimate downfall is that he was under-funded and under-supported in his efforts--until the Vietnam war happened but by then he had basically lost all rights and control over the design.
Those original "waffle" style magazines in 5.56 sell here for $300 - $400 each, so I would imagine that 7.62's would go even higher. I would love it. Buy!
If you mean $2000 US dollars (or equivalent) that's cheap, to an American, if it were legal to own in the US it would bring 10x that, or more, due to the laws we have about full auto weapons.

The supply of FA arms is fixed, and since 1986 none can be added. SO we have things like $20,000+ Tommy guns or other rare items.
So (...... insert a cursing word here....), seller just got back to me by email telling me he decided to keep the rifle. Oh well .... maybe I’ll look at a full auto M14 in the meantime.

Thanks again all for input
I TOLD you to jump on it! :D Tell the seller he's a tease and you'll buy from more reliable sources in the future.;)

I did, there was only a link / message system on the website and I wrote the seller twice in a two days span before I received the negative reply.
Sounds like he might have played you--did you make an offer prior to the two day delay? If so he may have simply turned around to another interested party to bid the price up.