Armadillo hunting satire

Hi Dave,
it works for me. I am using Netscape 4.08 with Windows NT OS. Go to the Red Neck Journal if the link works for you in Netscape.
I would hunt them just because........
Here comes an old army story.
While in the Scout platoon HHC 2/12, my section sergeant and I were out on an OP at about 0300 during some field time at Ft Hood. We were armed with pvs 7 night vision, and not a whole lot else. We had been hidden for about 2 days and apparently well hidden, cause we never were spotted. Anyway, that early morning we were surprised by some noise coming up the hill we were on, and both got into prone defensive positions behind some concealment. Sgt was behind me in a bush, and I was plastered against a bank of flagstone left by another OP crew(s)
sometime in history. About 45 minutes passed and we still weren't caught.
He raised his head and signalled me.
Funny how much 4 armadillos crawling up a brushy hill sound like the enemy during the 0300 watch!
So..... let me at 'em!

"Any world that I'm welcome to.....Is better than the one I come from"