Arkansas laws confusing


New member
Our Legislature is currently in session. Carry laws are under discussion. One legislator is wanting to clarify our laws. He pointed out that several of our laws are subject to (mis)interpretation by law enforcement officers, prosecutors and judges. He wants to introduce legislation to clarify the situation. I don't think he will be successful.
So, currently, if you are in a discussion with a person who says 'this or that' is 'legal or illegal' don't accept what is said as fact. It is a murky situation.
Basically, what you are doing and how the law views what you are doing depends largely on your intent and the attitude of the enforcement people. Not a good situation.
I was told by a local law enforcement officer that, according to state law, it was completely legal for me to carry a loaded AR in my vehicle as long as I didn't intend to commit a crime with it or conceal it. All about intent huh? I would agree there needs to be some clarification.
Police officers often do not have accurate information on what is legal and what is not, when it comes to gun laws. Do not trust the word of a cop on what the law allows. He may be telling you the right stuff, or he may be telling you what he believes is the right stuff, and isn't.

Many police officers are not gun enthusiasts, and are not well versed on the finer points of firearms laws. Cop A may tell you its fine, and Cop B might bust you for it. And both of them could be acting in good faith.

I hav a friend who has a registered antique motorcycle. My state has a helmet law, but exempts antiques. Like an old car, made without seatbelts, you are not required to wear seatbelts in that car. My friend carries a copy of the law with him when he rides. He says that it gets him out of about half of the tickets. The other half the time, he gets the ticket anyway. The cops tell him that if he is right, the judge will throw it out. And they do. But the cop still writes the ticket.

Read the law for yourself, and if in doubt, go see a lawyer.
peetzakiller, posting the laws would be more confusing than what we have now. A good article in today's newspaper illustrated the confusion. A law professor traced our laws back to the 1800s when folks traveled roads by wagon. A 'journey' then might be interpreted quite differently than today. The Governor, and others, have stated they don't want guns carried into (take your pick) sports events, churches, whatever. I won't call them crazies but they do display the unreasoned fear common regarding carrying by honest citizens.
Stay tuned. When/if the Legislator comes up with something sensible, I'll post here. Don't hold yer breath.