Arizona: Sen Huppenthal needs encouragement for SB1363


New member
Sen Huppenthal is apparently feeling heat from the antis who envision shoot outs in bars. Again.

Dear Senator Huppenthal,

I am asking for your support for SB 1363, the bill which would allow
patrons to carry firearms into establishments that serve alcohol.

As you are aware, more than 30 states already allow for this behavior,
even states such as Massachussetts and California, which are certainly not
known for being gun-friendly.

I ask for your support since I do not believe that law abiding citizens
should be prohibited from providing for the safety of my family. As the
Supreme Court has repeatedly held that the police are not liable for
anyone individual's safety. Because of that, it's up to me and other
citizens who believe similarly.

The fact that I choose to dine at PF Chang's shouldn't relieve me of my
ability to defend myself and my family. And with Arizona leading the way
in vehicle thefts and break-ins, leaving my gun in the car isn't an
option. So, what is a patron to do? Choose to be defenseless or practice
"don't ask/don't tell." Which do you believe is already happening?

Contrary to the hyperbole, private establishments will still be able to
post signage to prohibit weapons, just as private business can currently
do. However, now they will no longer be able to hide behind the veneer of
state law. And thus I can choose to patronize establishments who value my

Those who dislike the idea of citizens carrying firearms were wrong 10
years ago when they opposed our CCW laws. They were wrong 6 years ago
when preemption allowed for CCW holders to carry firearms in parks. And
they will be wrong again.

If these 30+ states haven't had any problems with this issue, why do you
believe Arizona will?

Please, vote "YES" on SB 1363.

Tim Weaver
Glendale, Az