Aristocracy in a Representative government


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Excerpts from:
View of the Constitution of the United States with Selected Writings Of St. George Tucker (born 1752)
Foreword by Clyde N. Wilson

Liberty Fund, 1999
ISBN 0-86597-201-X

An aristocracy is that form of government in which the supreme power is vested in a small number of persons. Pg. 50

This form of government is capable of such an approximation, and resemblance, in its external form, to a representative democracy that the one is frequently mistaken for the other. Pg. 50

The views of a corrupt senate will be the aggrandizing of themselves, their families, and their posterity, by all oppressions of the people. Pg. 51

But the most easy and successful mode in which an aristocracy commences, or advances, consists in the secret and gradual abuse of the confidence of the people, in a representative democracy. Slight, and sometimes even imperceptible, innovations, occasional usurpations, founded upon the
pretended emergency of the occasion: or upon former unconstitutional precedents; the introduction of the doctrines of constructive grants of power:… these, with the stale pretence of the dangers to be apprehended
from the giddy multitude in democratic governments, and a thousand other pretexts and arguments of the same stamp, form the ladder by which the agents of the people mount over the heads of their constituents, and finally ascend to that pinnacle of authority and power, from whence they
behold those who have raised them with contempt, and treat them with indignation and insult. The only preventive lies in the vigilance of the people. Where the people are too numerous, or too much dispersed to
deliberate upon the conduct of their public agents, or too supine to watch over that conduct, the representative will soon render himself paramount to, and independent of, his constituents; and then the people may bid a long farewell to all their happiness. Pg. 53

When the government is less despotic, the people have more both of power and inclination to resist oppression. They are not so thoroughly stripped of the means of defense. Pg. 73
Be informed; be vigilant; be active; vote wisely; never disarm.


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."