Arisaka take-down safe to fire?


New member
I finally located some Norma ammo in 7.7 JAP.
Do you think a type 99 TAKEDOWN model would be safe to fire?
At the cost of the ammo, not many times, but I ....always ...... like to say I have fired every gun I own.
Best way to go would be to have the headspace checked, but if the lockup is tight it should be OK. The so-called Type 100 would be the better one, since it uses buttress threads rather than a lug for lock up, but they are scarce. Most I have seen were Type 2, with the single lug and the wire loop for the wedge on the right side. The Type 2 is marked Type 2, but the "Type 100" is marked as Type 99.

I think I might use the "tie to tire" method for the first firing, though.

Jim, probably sound advice. I will tie the ammo to a tire and not shoot it. Even these are getting quite scarce so why blow it up? I ....have......a box of ammo if 20 scoundrels show up.
Harley, thank you for the offer, Sir. I have that already.

Tell you what, though. Is there a way to manipulate the striker down while closing the bolt other than dry firing?
Don't know, never tried that. Possibilities to try on an empty gun:

Hold the trigger back as you close the bolt. Then test it by pulling the trigger.
It would seem to me that when you close the bolt in this manner the sear should not engauge the striker. The trigger should remain free without releasing the striker.

Grab the knurrled knob (safety) pull back on it, pull the trigger and allow the knob to go forward slowly.

Never tried either of these, but they are possibilities.

Hi, Lavan,

Unfortunately, on the Type 99 there really is no way to uncock the striker except by closing the bolt and pulling the trigger. If it is any consolation, I have never seen an Arisaka firing pin break. Harley is thinking of a Springfield or a Krag, which have knurled knobs, but the Arisaka doesn't work that way. Note that your rifle is a Type 99 except for the takedown parts.


[This message has been edited by Jim Keenan (edited August 29, 2000).]