Argentine Colt Advice


New member
I was thinking of buying one of the Hartford Colts or the Argentine copy as a base model for a CCW.However I was told that these early Colts were made of a softer steel and would not hold up to the 800-1000 rds per month that I would be putting through them.Can someone confirm this?
Those Colts should be fine for several thousand rounds, or at least as long as about anything else.

You are going to be shooting 800 to 1000 rounds a month out of your concealed carry weapon? You must have some seriously deep pockets to afford all that .45 ammo!

Unless you have a second weapon on hand, I don't reccomend putting that many rounds through any carry weapon on a regular basis. Parts can and will break, leaving you without a carry gun.

But back to the subject, the weapon should be fine. If you are worried about frame wear, try one of the Shok buff's to help ease pounding on the frame.

Good Shooting
Sorry, miscalculated.I shoot 400-600 rounds a month.Not 800-1000 a month.I'm also a paintball junkie and believe me, shooting lead is alot cheaper than paintball :)
The old Hartford Colts and the Argentime Systemas are as well made as any gun on the market today, in terms of basic quality control and metallurgy. The Systemas have been the basis for a large number of custom guns.

The Hartford Colts have the potential of being collector guns.
I owned a ballista molina and I fired over 10,000 rnds threw it ands had no problems. When I refinished it two cracks appeared. One on the dust cover and one behind the
mag release. The gun still works I just didn't wan't to carry it anymore and the guy that has it is still shooting it.
P.S. at least 750 rnds were magsafe and +p ammo