Are you ready to be reprogrammed?

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New member
I just read on the Drudge report that the baseball player John Rocker is going to under go mental evaluation. This was in reaction to him having some very unpopular views about minorities and gays.
Is the first amendment dead?
Are gun owners next?
where you been the media's been working on us for two years now...telling us how wrong we are, the gubberment just hasn't started the reeducation camps yet. Give them time.
I tend to file this one under the efforts of his agent more than any Big Brother tactic from Bud Selig. Rockers' out of the bull pen and in your face personnae is is as cultivated as any WWF character and has equal sympathy from myself when his marketing scheme backfires. He is hardly a genuine spokesperson for the "regular guy". He has enjoyed all of his athletic life and will continue to enjoy in the future special treatment at least as long as he is a viable commodity. If he didn't mean what he said then why is he backpeddaling so energetically? Yes it is irritating that Gulianni has time to take from his important job to whine about Rockers' remarks. It stinks that pompous liberals call into talk show hosts to condemn Rockers' opinions and ignore virulent slander of conservatives. Rocker will come out ahead in the end, just like all of the other talented leeches bent upon drawing attention to themselves.
I find what John Rocker said to be rude and offensive. He appears to be a real jerk. His worst punishment will be having to live with himself in his bigoted little world.

I find Major League Baseballs "solution" to his remarks to be abhorrent and frightening. This smacks of the communist "re-education" camps and the Soviet Gulags. Sending one person to be mentally evaluated for saying something that is politically incorrect will do much more damage to our nation than 1000 John Rockers could ever do.

This is a sad day for our nation and our Constitution.
Cactus, you and I stand shoulder to shoulder on most any issue. I cannot support this "entertainer" as a victim of PC oppression. I do not want him as a poster boy for my constitution to the masses. The guy is a 25 year old millionaire!! He only cares for his own marketability. He has consistently pushed the envelope on that issue. Let's punt this chump and wait for a genuine victim who has the depth to actually stand by their beliefs.

So, you're basically saying....Dennis Rodman? :)...yep, I agree

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Me and John are from the same home town, Macon, Georgia. He is also a hunter and sportsman.

Macon is standing behind John, including our Black Mayor, who released a press statement saying he was still proud to say John is a Macon native.

It would be easy for us to disown him. It would be the politically correct thing to do.
But things work a little different in South Georgia. We stick together. It is only right. We took pride when he was doing good , we should stick behind him makes a mistake.

It's easy to blast him to win PC points with other memebers. It easy to have the liberal mentality of hating the successful. It easy to call him names behind the protection of your keyboard.

[snip]Unwarranted personal attack deleted by Staff [unsnip]

That's the difference between you and John.
[snip]Unwarranted personal attack deleted by Staff [unsnip]

We have all said things in the past that we regretted.

Any one that says different either hasn't said much, or is lying.

John said somethings that were not politically correct. He also said somethings that other people here have thought to themselfs, but did not have the balls to express to others.

He said somethings that he really didn't mean. He is not a bigot, or a racist. Two words which are thrown at every rural boy from the south by liberals.

Just because you damn Yankees like riding on the subway sitting by purple haired fags with aids, don't force your values on us.

Oh, one more thing, last time I checked, the Consitution gives John the right to say what ever he wants.

The new guy.

"I'm totin, this pistol because my dang SKS won't fit in my holster"

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited January 07, 2000).]
This is not a guy who drove his car onto the sidewalk. He never said that he was "going to throw beanballs at the (insert slur) who come to the plate". He never did actual physical harm to anyone or threatened physical harm to anyone. He hurt some feelings.

But here we all exist in a nation that operates on "feelings" and there are those who feel that this is appropriate in America. IT IS NOT.

Yes, Rocker is a jerk but not necessarily off his rocker. This smacks of what they did to Lech Walensa, Solsenetzen(sp?), Mandela, and the students in Tienanmen Square. "Reeducate"those with whom you don't agree -- or don't agree with you.

How long will it be before people start to disappear in this country? Who will care?

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.
Dennis very nicely emailed me and asked me to edit my post.

After thinking about it I refuse.

I still think it's unfair for people to slam John when they don't know him.

I also think I may not want to belong to a forum where politically correct views are strictly enforced. I have seen worse profanity than what I used in my post plastered across this board.

It's simple to prove, just do a word search.

So Dennis, go ahead and delete me and my post.

The new guy.

"I'm totin, this pistol because my dang SKS won't fit in my holster"

If you will read the posts you'll find that no one posted in favor of Rocker's being forced to have a psych exam. And no one said Rocker should have his right to free speech abridged. No one said either, did they? What you are taking issue with is folks not agreeing with what Rocker said.
So, in effect you say Rocker can say anything he wants, yet other people can't say what they want if it disagrees or takes issue with Rocker. You feel justified in personally insulting members, yet cry PC and discrimination when you yourself were not attacked or insulted.

Sounds like the same tactic liberals and gun grabbers use

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

[This message has been edited by DC (edited January 07, 2000).]
Funny thing about the Staff-
We fight like an Italian family behind the scenes. When it comes to business, we all think with one mind. Policies are not forced down anyone's throat. You acccept them voluntarily when you join. After that you either accept the responsibility or opt out.

We all respect your passion. Delivery counts however.

John Rocker-
We've beaten you about enough. Thread closed.

All others-
We now return you to your normally programmed schedule.
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