Are We Sleeping?


New member
Here's something else to cause you to lose sleep:


> 1999
> Dark rumors
> from Russia
> > © 1999
> An American businessman in Moscow, the
> managing director of Matrix Technologies,
> recently described conditions in the Russian
> capital. He said the city is heavily patrolled by
> police and army units. Vehicles are routinely
> searched, papers are inspected, civil rights are
> violated. But Moscow's police are not simply
> looking for terrorists. They are also looking for
> "military-aged individuals" and persons with
> medical experience. These are being taken for
> military training as part of a "general
> preparation for war."
> We know that the Russian military began to
> expand its manpower base in April, during the
> crisis in Kosovo. At that time nearly 170,000
> new recruits were called up in a special
> Russian military draft. There were also reports
> that between 80,000 and 100,000 volunteers
> were recruited to fight NATO in the Balkans.
> Throughout Russia, as well as other former
> Soviet republics, there have been rumors that
> hundreds of thousands of convicts have been
> offered amnesty in exchange for military
> service. If you examine the naval and marine
> exercises of the past six months (especially in
> the context of the mobilization of Russia's
> Black Sea Fleet), one cannot escape the
> suspicion that naval and marine reserves have
> also been mobilized.
> We know from Russian press reports that
> troops of the Interior Ministry and Federal
> Security Service were secretly mobilized last
> month. Exact numbers have not been
> published, though the strength of MVD and
> FSS reserve forces is probably well over
> 200,000. What we have inklings of, and what
> we read about in the Russian press, suggests a
> large-scale military preparation. This
> preparation cannot be explained by the
> situation in Chechnya. After all, Chechnya is a
> small place, without a real army or air force. It
> should be pointed out that these Russian
> mobilizations are too large for the Chechen
> theater of operations.
> It is remarkable, in this context, that we are
> constantly reading of the weakness of Russia's>
> conventional armed forces. To give one
> example, we read in a Oct. 7 Reuters article by
> Martin Nesirky that "Russia now finds itself
> short of conventional weapons to fight Chechen
> guerrillas in its own backyard." Nesirky writes
> of a contrast between Russia's "creaking kit in
> the field and shining missiles in silos. ..." But
> this is an incorrect characterization. While it is
> true that Russia has announced plans to
> deploy a second regiment of Topol-M ICBMs
> this year, and Russia's nuclear forces are
> wonderfully modernized, it is untrue that
> Russia's conventional forces lack equipment.
> As it happens, we can deduce the minimum
> amount of military hardware the Russians are
> deploying by doing a little homework.
> In November of 1990 the Kremlin signed the
> Conventional Forces in Europe treaty (CFE).
> This treaty limited the Russians to deploying
> 20,000 battle tanks, 20,000 artillery tubes, 6,800
> combat aircraft, 30,000 other armored vehicles,
> and 2,000 attack helicopters west of the Urals.
> In this context, it has been widely
> acknowledged that Russia never conformed to
> the CFE Treaty. (Even the Encyclopedia
> Britannica has numerous articles
> acknowledging Russian noncompliance with
> CFE.) In fact, the Russian General Staff was
> blamed -- early on -- for sabotaging the treaty.
> In the last few days the Kremlin has announced
> that it is presently exceeding CFE force limits
> due to the crisis in the north Caucasus.
> The number of 20,000 tanks is a gigantic figure.
> It is several times the number of tanks used by
> Hitler to invade Russia in 1941. The number of
> 6,800 combat aircraft is also huge. If Russia is
> exceeding CFE limits in any of these areas then
> we cannot -- we must not! -- say that Russia has
> an under-equipped army.
> The military mobilization in Russia is
> something real. The official reason for this
> mobilization is not to be trusted. As I have said
> before, far more power is being mobilized than
> would be needed to crush tiny Chechnya. So
> what is up? What are the Russian generals
> getting ready for?
> Members of an American church, who recently
> returned from mission work in one of Russia's
> largest cities, reported contacts with Russian
> soldiers. These soldiers were "very disturbed"
> because they believed the present Russian
> mobilization is aimed at the United States -- not
> Chechnya. In a related report, a recent
> American visitor to Russia was privately
> informed by a Russian military officer that
> Russia had been preparing for war against
> America for the last 17 months.
> Are these reports credible?
> We have to be careful about embracing stories
> that confirm our worst fears. But if we look at
> such reports in the context of other information
> -- which is absolutely undeniable -- then we
> have to say that there is nothing inconsistent or>
> surprising in the idea that Russia is pre> paring
> for war with the United States.
> Russia's new ally -- China -- is also mobilizing.
> This is supposedly a coincidence. The Taiwan
> Straits crisis just happens to coincide with the
> Chechnya crisis. Therefore, the military
> mobilizations in both countries are supposedly
> justified. But, if we have any strategic sense at
> all, shouldn't we be questioning this
> coincidence? Shouldn't somebody in the
> Pentagon be whispering in the president's ear?
> According to Eric Margolis of the Toronto Sun,
> President Clinton has ordered the Pentagon to
> send state-of-the-art night vision equipment to
> Russia for use in helicopter gunships. He is
> also having them send over military
> communications gear. It is odd, to say the least,
> for the United States to be sending military
> assistance to a country that has more tanks and
> combat aircraft than just about any country on
> earth.
> Moscow's current disinformation campaign has
> worked wonders. Every American who bothers
> to watch the six o'clock news imagines that
> Russia has a military disaster on its hands. One
> hears, incredibly, that Russia might even lose
> the war! After all, Chechnya defeated Russia
> before. (One fairy tale sits atop another, each
> supporting the grand fiction of Russian
> weakness.)
> Russia's filling up of tank and motorized rifle
> divisions is not something spontaneous and of
> the moment. Last summer Russia curtailed
> gasoline and diesel fuel exports, as well as
> exports of fuel oil. Almost a year ago Russia
> cut her oil exports by more than 25 percent,
> while increasing oil imports from Iraq. But
> Russia is supposedly broke! She desperately
> needs cash, and 45 percent of Russia's $80
> billion in exports in 1997 came from fuel
> exports.
> Why is this being done?
> The truth is, a force exceeding 20,000 tanks and
> 30,000 armored personnel carriers can suck a
> lot of fuel. Let me suggest that Russia has
> planned the current mobilization for many
> months. Let me also suggest that the Kremlin
> wants to be assured of its military supplies.
> What we are seeing is not a panicked reaction
> to a few Chechen rebels and terrorists. It is a
> carefully prepared and well-organized war
> mobilization, involving countrywide civil
> defense drills and a massive roundup of
> military-aged men and medical personnel.
> A few columns ago I mentioned that there was
> a large number of generals retained by the
> Russian military during its build-down. I
> noted that the huge number of generals
> facilitated a sudden and effective Russian
> mobilization. Shortly after my column
> appeared, the Russian Defense Ministry
> announced plans to retire 300 generals and
> admirals by December. The Russians also
> announced that 17,000 colonels would also
> disappear by December.
> It is a neat trick to claim you are exceeding the
> CFE force limits while g> etting rid of nearly half
> the colonels in the Russian military. I tip my
> hat to those humorous boys in the Russian
> Defense Ministry. That's a great gag. Keep the
> jokes coming!
> J.R. Nyquist is a WorldNetDaily contributing editor
> and author of 'Origins of the Fourth World War.'

I respect your right to your own opinions and beliefs
and will fight to the death to defend your right to them
regardless of how uninformed and ignorant they may be.
Now, I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but this is starting to look REAL strange. Think about this:

-Our current President visited the USSR as a student. (Recruited, perhaps?)

-He has gone to GREAT lengths to foster relations with both Russia AND China. His personal relationship with China is public knowledge.

-Under this president, our military has been cut to a point that we cannot maintain a war on two fronts. In fact, we would be hard pressed to maintain a viable showing on ONE front. Face it, this is NOT Ronnie's army or the army that won Desert Storm.

-Because of all of the little "police actions" all over the globe, out current inventory of Cruise Missles and "Smart Bombs" is woefully low, and our forces are scattered.

Could it be that the Russian Bear has been mearly hibernating, waiting for the United States to reach a point of weakness?

I know, I know; it's thin. Very thin. But it IS possible.....

I respect your right to your own opinions and beliefs
and will fight to the death to defend your right to them
regardless of how uninformed and ignorant they may be.
I think you need to look a bit further South for the answer. Major problems in Georgia ( the region, not the State) and the India/Pakistan situation. Looking inside Russia, the election in November is crucial in determining the future of Russian politics. There are too many open fronts for Russia right now. I never did trust the Russians (no offence CR, but I believe you don't either), but given the problems they have, I can't see them causing any trouble for the US directly. Course they could always pull off something by selling some of their arms to a middle east goon and bringing pressure that way. I may be wrong, but I see any buildup of Russian military as a sign of internal safeguards or a possible return to a more social way of life. The front runner in the elections is ex-KGB (if there is anysuchthing as ex). FWIW.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Russia could not go to war directly against the USA.
They are in bed with economically speaking. They need our funds.
Russia has many enemies near its own borders - enough to worry about with out going out to pick fights.
Besides - what can they do? What power can they project? There once vaunted and feared navy now rusts tied to docks - unused for a decade or more. There isnt an Alph class attack boat seaworthy right now. And to get one out of harbor right now - would take an act of extreme effort and resources. Just what they cant do now.
There Airforce being unpaid for so long is now working other jobs... How many missiles do you think are left that didn't get pawned off? I heard rumor that you could buy a mig or SU-27 right off the flight line for about a grand.
I am not stupid enough to say they are no threat... I am just saying - right now... They are not a threat to us.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Yeah Hal - What you said!

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Our stock split twice in the last 9 months...


Steyer Scout for Christmas!

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Before investing always do your own research and consult a notable broker. Never take advice from a man who may or may not be naked. ;)

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
y'all don't think russia might have a bit of a Y2K problem do ya?
if anywhere is gonna go woof, cause of bad code its gotta be over there

maybe they are reinforcing their ability to control the borders

Russian Y2K problem? I doubt it - they dont have many embedded systems... in comparison to other countries.

Damage will be minimal - not counting there nuclear power facilities.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Jack 99,
Interesting article. The US beat the Soviets by winning the spending battle. Wonder how many of the little guys(China, Serbia, N.Korea, Iran, Iraq,etc) could get together long enough to do the same to the US? Clinton has used up a lot of our conventional stockpile, depleted the troops, and now wants to throw away the "Big Sticks" (nukes). Sure we can replace all of the above, but not at the same price that we could have 7 years ago. Discomforting thought. In a sick twisted way though it is kind of a fitting scenerio. The most wasteful country in history taken down by the squandering of it's own fortunes by a shameful and irresponsible heir(Clinton). The only thing not yet said is Hillary saying "Let them eat cake". Course her campaign is just starting.

CCW for Ohio action site.