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I hope we all realize that some forms of Gun Control are necessary. But 30,000 laws and the constant request for more are beyond being realistic. We need to restrict guns to some extent and whether we all admit this or not we know it so. Children should not have access to guns, and weapons should be stored securely and safely. On this I’m sure we can all agree.

As for guns used in the commission of a crime. The penalty should be so severe that all would see the disadvantage of their use. Convicted felons should not possess any weapons, and they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent for their possession.

I continue to hear the statement being made that we do not enforce the laws of gun control on the books now and do not need any new ones. This is a very delicate area. My Grandpa always said “Be careful what you ask for you may just get it.” By this I mean that there are many of the laws that could be used against the honest citizen to achieve gun registration, restriction or confiscation already in effect. Of the 30,000 laws in effect we probably only need a hundred if that. I think all laws should be reviewed and or revised justly according to the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America.

Another aspect we need to address is the statement that WE make continuously “ New or old Gun Laws do not stop the violence or the crimes committed with guns.” This may very well be true, but one day as you spout off this little statement someone will stand up and agree with you. And then they will quote your statement and show that even WE do not believe that laws or prosecution will stop this trend. This will show that we agree with them on the fact that laws can not stop this senseless loss of life. This will prove their idea that the only way is for a total gun confiscation.

The idea that all of this is to save the innocent children is Bull. It is a political agenda to disarm and control us and we know it. There are many that do not realize this and may not until it is too late. If this was about saving children the same people that support gun control would not be supporting Abortion, must less Partial birth Abortion. We would also see more emphasis on stopping drunk drivers. The death rate from drunk drivers far surpasses that of gun related deaths. How about a drunk driver lock law on that new car? Drug related deaths are another aspect that out weighs that of gun deaths. Yet we hear little abut them in the news media. But let some idiot shoot a child and even the funeral is televised on TV.

As for Smart Gun technology, I realize that at this moment it is unreliable. But why not wait and see what it can become? Many technologies are unreliable in their early days and later become a mainstay of life. I am a PRO-GUN LEO and I carry a Safariland SLS II retention holster. Why? To retain my gun and keep it from getting into the opponents hands. Need you ask why?……. To keep him from taking my life. Is it foolproof? No! But it is a welcome addition to my safety. If it were possible to obtain a weapon that could only be used by me and be reliable as my Glock, I’d have one today and be a proud owner of it. If you will look closely the objection of gun manufacturers was not the Smart Gun Technology but the commission that was to be used to regulate them. This was so any future restriction would already have the collar for restraint in place.

I guess what I’m trying to make you aware of is that we are being pursued by a very big posse of anti-gunners. Many good people joined their band wagon only as a result of the news media’s constant showing of gun violence that is being blamed on the gun and not the real causes of our society. You have to admit it makes us all look like radicals defending our cause. Another thing that I learned in Psychology class, “When you let someone make you mad they control you.” The anti-gunners were in class that day too, they continue to keep us mad and want us to show our aggression to make us look like unfeeling radicals.


To swallow and follow, whether old doctrine or new propaganda, is a weakness still dominating the human mind. (C.P.Gillman)
Are we radicals? To, many certainly. However is it radical to support the constitution and attempt to preserve the American way of life? We also support the first amendment rights of the anti gun crowd to make their false claims about our beliefs and chastise us for protecting those. The fact is the rights we are protecting are theirs as well as ours, however they fail to realize that. We, gun owners, do recognize the need for certain gun laws. The same as we recognize certain restrictions on the first amendment rights of not yelling "fire" in a crowded theater. What we also realize that is not the agenda of the liberal media and political machine to "save the children". It is to promote thier own political careers and to somehow protect us from ourselves. We also know that enforcemnt of the "basic" gun control laws would lessen crime and the use of our beloved guns (freedom) in the commisssion of crime. For the most part those laws are being enforced. I myself am a retired LEO and you and I both know that the basic laws are enforced and rightfuly so. However being in a position to know (on the street where and when the crimes occur) we also know the needlessness of the new laws being impliemnted.
Smart gun technology is not needed. Responsible gun owners are. Much like you carrying a security holster for your protection it is the individulas responsiblity to ensure we are safe with our guns. One can not legislate responsiblity. We can not make gun owners responsbile.

Are we radicals? Yes, in the eyes of many we are. I, personaly am proud to be placed in that group of radicals.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
PROSOUTH - When I was a teenager in the 60's the term 'radical' was most often used to describe leftist student activists who engaged in campus demonstrations and occasional violence.

The SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) and the Weathermen were two of the more well known groups.

As a teenage 'gun nut', I fit solidly into the conservative niche.

Nowadays, many of these same 'activists' are tenured staff at colleges and universities throughout the country.

These days, I am a 48 year old 'gun nut.'

And for my pro RKBA stance and views on liberalism, I am now considered a 'radical.'

Ironic, huh?

Well, I hope I didn't sound to liberal in my post. Believe me I'm not. But I am also aware of the situation at hand. We may be our own worst enemy when we stop and look at where we are going and fast.

Gunslinger I think we agree on most all. Yet I am not mindset against the smart gun technology itself. The pork barrel that it currently resides in I agree is pungent. One of my former Interstate Drug Interdiction partners carried a S&W 686 with a Smart-Lock that rendered the gun useless until you had on a special ring. I never trusted it. But I never could make it shoot either. It also never failed him.

As far as making or legislating responsible gun owners you are correct. It can not be done.That is one of the facts that I was trying to bring out in my post.These people are are weakness.

Cliff, I'm 47 myself, and have carried a gun since I was about 12. You could do that in Tennessee back then. I remember old farm trucks pulled up and parked on the High School property with an old single barrel shotgun in the back window and the side window rolled down.No one seemed to notice them back then. Times have changed and it seems that we must adjust with the times somewhat. We can not continue with just the old tunnel vision of the past. We must use periphial vision and look at all angles and both sides of the fence.We must look out for ourselves.

Did you guys ever wonder what happened to all of the Hippies? They're called journalist now. Thats the guys that drive the Media bus that just ran over us.

"When Good becomes Evil and Evil Becomes Good."

"When Right becomes Wrong and Wrong becomes Right."

"When Liberal Becomes Right and Conservitive becomes Wrong."

Radical;Marked by a considerable depature from the usual or traditional,(2)A political group associated with views,practices and policies of extreme change.(3) Advocating extreme measures to retain or restore a political state of affairs.

The above came from and old Websters Dictionary. It seems that someone new about or predicted us a long time ago. #3 sure sounds alot like us doesn't it?

"Taking away guns does not disarm society. It only creates a more dangerous one. Alternate weapons are always available."

I'm considered a radical by most of my friends, but I don't think so. I figure radicals use violence, vandalism, and like methods. Me, I'm a voter, letter-writer--all-around non-violent citizen working within the system.
I don't discount the possibility of "stepping up" to radical or violent measures in the future if I must but to be honest, I think the transition will be so gradual that I may not realize it's time for those tactics until it's too late to use 'em.
PROSOUTH, I wasn't trying to be arguementive. We do in fact agree on most of the issues you raised. I too worked with an officer that used the Smart-Lock and like you did not trust them. I was afraid that, for whatever reason, the gun would not function for me when I needed it most. However it was impossible for anyone not wearing the ring to pull the trigger. (Drop me an e-mail when you get a chance, I'd like to exchange "war stories" some time.

Don, good response.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
I have no problem with the characterization. A radical is just someone who wants a lot of changes to take place. I personally want all gun laws repealed; ALL. In addition, as a libertarian I would like to see a radical (hey, there it is) reduction in government.

So, if you live in a fascist state, what is wrong with being a radical? Just so.

If you read and interpret the Consititution in the way it was intended (by its authors), our government was to have its very limited powers held in check by us (the people).

To even the most naive onlooker, it is obvious that our government has far over stepped its boundries, not just on the 2nd Amendment issue, but in nearly ALL areas where they clearly have no RIGHT to trespass. Accepting ANY compromises to the original intentions of our founding fathers and/or the Constitution, gets you what we have today...a land where men in the shadows of our politicians orchestrate a diabolical plan to gradually evaporate any and all of our unalienable rights. This all performed like a Broadway play to appear as coincidence, necessity, and progression to a better world. It is nothing more than a total fraud upon the American people, where we are the ultimate losers no matter how hard we attempt to fight it.

I say, no more compromises...the way to combat this deadly trend is to EXPOSE it. Let's peel back the layers of black cloth, smoke, and mirrors, blatant cover-ups...and show the American people what's really going on.
I agree with Mort and the others that we should repeal all gun laws pertaining to the ownership and carrying of guns ("the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed").

There should be and are strong legal and social consequences for using your guns in an irresponsible manner. I'm a big fan of Project Exile and other legal initiatives that throw the book at criminals who use their guns to commit crimes.

But, once they get out of jail they are entitled just like the rest of us to carry again. Why? because they "paid their debt to society". Theoretically they are citizens again, instead of prisoners. The fact that so many ex-cons are violent repeat offenders points to the fact that they should not have been let out in the first place, not that they got ahold of guns when they got out.

In my idealistic libertarian haze, I would like to see no gun laws at all on ownership or carry, and severe penalties for criminal use. Because there is no war on drugs in my libertarian world, the jails are just full of small, dank spaces for scum like these, and a special chair at the end of the hall for the worst of them.
Paul Revere,..... Pro-South is who I am. We are the Rebels that came out of the hills an hollows without shoes or weapons to fight for the cause of States Rights and for the truth and honor of our beloved South.

We are the Rebels that have already fought one war over the yoke of burden the Federal Government has placed on us.

The Republican party of that era was actually the Liberal party. After they thrashed that name they moved on to the Democrat name and continued their agenda.I'm sure that when the time comes they will abandon the Democrat name and leave the dead and raped yellow dog to move on to their rightful title of Liberal-Socialist upon completion of their work.

"Then call us Rebels if you will, we glory in the name; for bending under unjust laws and swearing faith to an unjust cause, we count as a greater shame.
(Richmond Daily Dispatch 5/12/1862)

I would tend to disagree with a few points.
1. Children should have access to guns. When I was a child beginning about age 4 I spent most of my time shooting cans, bottles, and other stuff with my brother and dad. By the time I was 10 (still fitting well within the description of a child), I had free access to my .22 for after school hunting. There isn't anything wrong with children and guns. In fact, the recent shootings by children can more appropriately be blamed on adults.
2. The constitution gives the Federal Government absolutely and positively NO authority to regulate or control private ownership or use of guns. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED is fairly unambiguous. Weapons are the just realm of the citizen to control, not the Government.
3. IN actuality, the Federal Government is only granted a few crimes to have juristiction over: Counterfeiting, Treason, Piracy, and security of the postal service come to mind. Everything else is off limits to the Feds. " The powers not granted the Federal government by this constitution nor prohibited by it to the states shall belong to the states or the people respectively".

That danged ol'e 10th amendment just seems to get in the way of everything huh?