Are we having fun yet?

Prof Young

New member
Earlier this year King Pritzger managed to get a state law pushed through banning certain firearms and ammunition magazines. (I won’t go into details here but by some definitions of what is banned, I have bb guns that are now banned.) Of course, those now banned firearms that are already owned are given the “previously owned” exemption, but those previously owned guns have to be registered with the state no later than 12/30/23. (The state is calling it “endorsed” not registered.) The endorsement period started Oct. 1, 2023 and by the end of the week 0.004 percent of all gun owners in IL had complied. (imagine that) Two things have now been “leaked” in this regard. One is that on Dec. 5, regardless of the truth, Pritzger plans to announce that 78% of all firearms owners have complied and the rest better get on board. In other words he plans to lie. (No big surprise) The second things, and this is most egregious, is that legislation to confiscate all the “endorsed firearms” is already underway. See the Nov. issue of GunNews. And lest you think the source is making this up, feel free to check the facts on your own. Also part of this sordid tale is all the legal action. That legal action is still underway. A highlight is when the Illinois State Supreme court declared the law constitutional. It has been well established that Pritzger gave huge sums of $$$ to the Il Supreme Court Justices campaign funds. In other words the king owns the court.

I have friends and relatives who occasionally talk about certain politicians as if they were communist. I USED to think that was a bit of an overreaction.
Any way to make "featureless rifles" that comply without registration? :)

In CA 22 Rimfire rifles have not been restricted under state law so all those AR style 22LRs are still exempt.

There were guns made without flash hiders and bayonet lugs to comply with the 89 CA law until about 2000.

When the law became more restrictive, a "bullet button" was invented that required a tool to drop a magazine. That was specifically outlawed a few years ago by Democrats as part of a soft on crime, hard on guns philosophy of governance.

Someone designed the "bullet Button 2" which now allows the user to "partially disassemble" the gun to drop a magazine. The shooter has to crack open the action slightly before they can release the magazine and then close the action and insert a new magazine.

I think the "fin grip" allows some guns to be sold in CA without the bullet button 2. That grip angles the hand and prevent the shooter from wrapping their thumb around a vertical pistol grip to comply with the law.

I personally believe these work around modifications just make guns more dangerous to the shooter and bystanders because they are more accident prone to handle.

I almost bought an AR before 2000 but decided that I didn't want to deal with registration and all the stigma associated with those types of guns. I have stuck with traditional "sporting arms" but I am not ignorant enough to believe a future ban will not affect those too.
Yeah, but nobody's coming for your guns. (heavy sarcasm)

I can't imagine anything this egregious is going to go very far but just the fact that it's gone this far is yet another indication of our elected officials disregarding the law and our rights.
DaleA said:
I can't imagine anything this egregious is going to go very far but just the fact that it's gone this far is yet another indication of our elected officials disregarding the law and our rights.
Y'all need to pay more attention to what's happening in other states, such as California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York and New Jersey. They have all had some screwy laws for several years now. Remember, California brought us the "bullet button." In the aftermath of the Sandy Hook school shooting, both NY and CT enacted changes to their definitions of "assault weapon," making them stricter than the former federal definition. Both the NY and CT changes were appealed, and the consolidated appeals were heard by the federal circuit court on the same day. Both laws were upheld.

This is what has led to a proliferation of designs for AR-15 furniture that tries to make the [place where the shooter puts his shootin' hand] into something the can qualify as being something other than a "protruding hand grip."
Communism is just a "red herring". :D:rolleyes:

Despotism, under any political framework is still despotism. Even democratically elected regimes can be despotic to those they rule.

The despot's general primer you see over and over in history is,

1. You have a "problem"
1a. If you don't have a problem, create one!

2. Come up with a "solution" that doesn't address the real problem, but focuses on increased control and regulation of specific groups of people (or items)

2a. Make your target group "evil" in the public eye.

3. Do not allow any other solutions but yours to be considered.

4. Identify, restrict, and register your target group/items, using the power of the state and public opinion to do so.

5. Confiscate / imprison your target group, using the power of the state to do so. at this point, dissenting public opinion is irrelevant, and you just put dissenters into your target group, if they aren't already there...

6. When this doesn't solve the problem, choose another target group and repeat the process until you have complete total control over your subjects.

Here's a can of worms to consider, if they require registration of something you own and you don't, then they declare the item illegal, right?
But if its illegal, isn't registering it /admitting to owning it a violation of one's right against self incrimination??
