
New member
I look around, all over the media, newspapers, magazines, movies, gun ownership is trashed. What the hell are we gonna do? How much more can pro-gun advocates hold out? In California, my home state, they passed a Assault Weapons Bill that is so restrictive that it bans everything from the Colt Sporters to Glock 17's! How many more states are going to do this, or is it going Federal?
I too am from Kalifornia...But there is something that you can do about the latest bill that Socialist "Red Davis" signed. Get involved, go to the below site...Print a petition, get signatures...WE CAN DEFEAT THESE KILLERS OF THE CONSTITUTION!!![url...dom and liberty are not gifts from the state.
Some of our brothers have been lulled to sleep by the prosperity of the currently robust economy - they will come to their senses when this boom goes bust and realize they had temporarily whored themselves for a dollar. They will eventually realize that honor and virtue and truth and freedom are worth more than all the money ever minted and we will regain the correct path for this nation.

Until then we will have to put up with a lot of crap!


Actually I see a lot of good coming out of all this. It is waking up a lot of the gun owners. Take the gun club I'm in... A year ago we could not agree on anything.... today every one of the 200 regular members are out collecting signatures for the Veto the Gov... myself, I'm up over 500 sigs now and have sponsored (given blank pages to others) over 10,000 that I know of.

Better days to be gunner's, so keep your heads up and win one for the Jefferson.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
Following up Mikey's point....

You can be damn sure when the bust happens, taxes won't be lowered.

Like Bookie and Elker...get sigs! Davis, Perata, Lockyer et al have no idea of the sh!t storm they created. Not only gunowners, but fence sitters are seriously pissed about these socialist policies, intrusions, destroyed once proud educational system and impoverishing fiscal actions. They got greedy and too arrogant and pushed too hard and fast. Its going to bite them in the @ss

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I am usually pessimistic on keeping our guns rights,but somehow I feel the idiot politicos hav stired up a hornets nest in California. These sleazebags may have overplayed their hand in going for the whole enchilada. People in the rest of the county better pray that Californians win this battle.
I'm gonna say something, it's nice to see you folks from CA stepping-up. Just had a buddy down from Sacramento this last weekend, and he's pumped and passing the petition. I'm here in TX praying for you fellas. Stick-it to em, for us all. It always amazes me that in High school I read about how conservative and republican the state was, and now this. It's a shame.

At present we are a dying breed, but we will come back around. I'm working on a presentation paper for a teaching class at present, about teaching and allowing students to form their own opinions by showing them all the material. Just in my class alone, a Senior college level course, I've picked-up about a 1/3 of the class to my fight. Some are steaming mad their teachers lied to them about the meaning of the constitution. We must educate the people, they are begging for it.

Live Free or Die Trying,
