Are there any good brass catchers?

Anything that attaches to my wrist or the gun itself seems to bother me. I am trying to get around to purchasing a tarp for outdoor shooting. Just lay it down and all the brass can fall on it. On the indoor range, I just pick it up with the "rake" thing they have.
Champion's Choice has a nice little net on an adjustable stand. I don't have one myself but I've seen guys use them at my range and they seemed to do the trick.

i did this

i took one of them dirt packers like a tamping rod with a flat square on the end of it so it can stand up by it's self.i then got a push broom and taped a 1 inch strip of wood to the broom.then you get a screen i used 48x84 you stapel it to the strip you taped to the let it hang down and adjust it for your putting holes in the broom or do like i do and duck tape in at the right height .you can keep it stable with tent pegs the nail kind work best.sounds like a lot but i went through a lot to get there.i tried all kinds of things this can lay an old sheet down to catch the brass it hits the screen and drops at your feet,thanks,keith
Brass catchers go way back.In WWI pilots had a small metal cage to catch the brass[yes they fought with pistols ,plane to plane.] .It fit on the gun.I've seen some use catchers made of a small cloth sack at the range but it always seemed awkward. It was easier to adjust my 1911 [the extractor] to drop the rounds straight down from the gun.
I second the champion's choice design. I'm going to build a similar one myself. Until then, just use a cardboard box, laid on its side on your shooting bench, with something with some weight placed inside, to hold it in place.

Edited: K80Geoff, wow, that is a coincidence. That home build of the champions choice type is EXACTLY what I had in mind, pvc pipe and all- thanks! Weird, wild stuff.

Mods, this is probably best moved to Gear and Accessories, so that people doing specific searches down the road can find it there where it makes sense, but then again, maybe not.
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:) So help me, I'm at the range the other day and one guy (A very serious shooter) was shooting postal with a fishing net tied to a pole directly opposite his 45's ejection port. Know what? It was working beautifully! He didn't miss catching a round. ;)

Now me, personally, I use a 12' x 15' canvas painter's tarp; but, if I still shot postal matches, that fishing net on a stand idea would intrigue me! :rolleyes:
E&L Mfg makes rigid plastic brass catchers for a variety of firearms including th .45 pistol.

E & L Mfg
4177 Riddle By-Pass Road
Riddle, OR 97469
(541) 874-2137

I have one for my AR-15, Uzi and Thompson 1927A-1 and they work well. There are different models for the AR-15 depending on whether the carry handle is removeable or not.
The one at the Champion's Choice site looks alright but you could build one probably better, cheaper, and easily disassembled for storage or travel.

1/4 or 1/2" PVC pipe, drill through the elbows and use cotterpins or such to hold it together. Any type of cheap mesh or window screening would work just fine, even cheaper cut up a tarp or clear plastic tarping instead...even a large trashbag cut the right way would work! :)
I have been looked at kind of funny at some IPSC and IDPA matches when I show up with my pecan grabber. My grandfather had one and we used to spend hours in his yard picking up pecans with it. It is about 3 feet long with with a coil spring on the bottom. It works great, just walk up to brass, press down around it and pick it up. It has worked for everything from .223 to .45 acp for me. The brass collects inside the coil. When it is full, just dump it.