Are the Russians pissing anyone else off?!


New member
In lieu of all these Kosovo developments this past weekend, is anyone even getting a bit sick of Russian political antics? Geez.. can we even start to talk about biting the hand that's feeding you? Boris should be so indebted to the US, as we are supporting him when the rest of his parliment foes are ready to give him the boot. If we weren't there giving him economic aid, the country would go belly up into civil revolt.

And that do we get for our troubles? Well, every international crisis, Russia is always the thorn in our side telling us we shouldn't be doing this or doing that. I understand that the Serbs may share some of their same heritage, but this Milosivec guy is a mad man. Killing people because of their ethnicity is certainly not condonable under any circumstances. If it we up to me I'd cut off all aid to them and see how long they can stay afloat without our help. We need to be appreciated.

You're gettin' ready to blow? I'm a mushroom-cloud-layin' motherf**ker, motherf**ker! Every time my fingers touch brain I'm "SUPERFLY T.N.T," I'm the "GUNS OF NAVARONE."

- Jules
I think somebody here needs to lay off CNN!

My own, utterly subjective impression, is that complaining about other Bedlamites is the last thing we ought to do, given the utter lack of logic to the US/NATO actions. I just hope we avoid WWW3...and one way to do that would be to get the hell away from the Balkans.

It isn't as if we are trying to save an innocent from a is more like trying to mediate a quarrel between several abusive sides all the while motivating this one and that one with a stick...not a way to solve the problem or win friends.
Actually, I'm getting a bit of a kick out of the Russian opportunism here. They're taking advantage of a terrible situation - one created by NATO, let by the United States.

Mic - Please don't be offended, but I get the impression that you're taking what CNN and the rest of the major media is dishing out at face value. You may wish to go to to get a more realistic idea of what's going on in Kosovo.
It is believed that the Russian Political leadership, Yeltsin, has lost control of its military units. It's a free for all without a formal chain of command.
Yeah They are pissing me off, I think I left a little thing on Just how stupid is NATO. I think we should just nuke the russians get get rid of them. Is this reminding anyone of the end of WW2. The russians getting to the capital before us, splitting a country(region in this case) into sectors. the only difference this time is that the Russians supposedly aren't socialist anymore.
Hmmmm... apparently history does repeat itself. maybe I should just watch the reruns.
Let's not forget the THOUSANDS of nuclear warheads floating around in a country that's on the brink of chaos and hasn't been paying its military payroll.
Getting pushy with the Russians right now over Kosovo wouldn't be in anyone's long term interest.
From: Ivan8883 6-14-99 507PM Edt No, far from it, I cheered and nearly had tears in my eyes when I saw Russian troops, although only a token force, move into Pristina ahead of that criminal One World Army of Brits,Frenchies, Germans andmost unfortunatley, our own American Soldiers who have been brought into the one world army of Nato lock stock and barrel. Nato now has the right to go into any country or state within any country and dont be surprised if you see these swine some day here in Ameica blasting patriots.I hope Russia can bring in thousands of troops into Kosovo to block these ONe World Storm Troopers.I dont know if you know this(the One World US media wont discuss it) but Serbia has a big gold mine east of Pristina which Greece and Serbia have been mining. US European Banksters want that gold mine and hopefully their applecart has been turned over by Russia at this time. ONe can see the plan by German revanchists and Western plutocrats to destroy Yugoslavia since breakup of nation(slovinia, Croatia,rump Moslem state and now Kosovo.Yugoslavia had been a economic competitor to Germanywho still remembers getting the crap kicked out of them by Serbs in WWII(Whole German Army Group destroyed finally by Serbs) I may be degressing but we Americans must wake up to the threat of Nato and one world system.Milo. is no angel but he and Serbian people see threat of One World Government to them and ultimately to the rest of the world.Russia is not only helping fellow Slav and Orthodox Christian NationWHICH WAS A GOOD ALLY TO AMERICA IN TWO WORLD WARS,but Russia deserves support from all freedom loving people not only in Europe but everywhere in the world for standing up to ONE WORLD NATO ARMY. THe problem that I see is that Russia is weak on the ground and cant get enough troops into Pristina. Nato may try a moveto push them out and Russia,with her powerful Submarine Force and very modern rocket force(dont believe propaganda that Russia is weak in strategic weapons),willretaliate with the big stuff and then here comes WWIII.But maybe that is what Klinton and the ELites whocontrol Comrade really want. Russia was lied to by Nato who promised not expand into Eastern Europe after Russia pulled out of Germany and abolished Warsaw Pact. What does Nato do ? Not only expands into puppet states of Poland , Hungary, and Czechoslovakia(M. Albrights father was big Stalinist there),but bombs a freee and soverign nation besides! When will the Amwerican people wake up? When it is too late for us and the entire world. Ivan
From: Ivan 8883 6-14-99 550PmEDT I have to add that I cant believe all this anti Russian feeling when the enemy for us all is Nato one world army which the Globalist will use against us some time in the future. CNN ABC CBS< NBC all these alphabet soup networks are just mouthpieces of Elites who are pulling their strings and dumbing down the massesto follow the Party Line Of Klinton and one world system. Shortwave and internet will give a much better balanced account of what is really going on in Balkans. Ivan
I kind of like it. NATO was clearly the illegal aggressor in this Kosovo affair. NATO has stepped on their d*ck throughout this affair and will probably continue to do so.
I noted a post that thought Boris might have lost control of the military.I found one line of a news article interesting and have not seen it reported elsewhere:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>MOSCOW (Reuters) - U.S. and Russian officials struggled Saturday to bridge differences over Moscow's role in a Kosovo peace force but there were no signs of a compromise when talks broke off for the day.

President Clinton was also due to speak by telephone Sunday to President Boris Yeltsin, who was silent on the Russian troop movements but indicated his approval of the rapid deployment by promoting the general who led the advance party.[/quote]


[This message has been edited by DHH (edited June 14, 1999).]
Ivan i'll have to agree w/ a lot of your stuff. i didn't believe we had any business in there in the first place. i also believe you may be on the right track w/ nato wanting to be a united world police force(one world army). i did get a kick out of russia slapping the face of nato. saying that, i also want to say that i fully support our troops, and if TSHTF, i hope they kick a$$ and all are able to come home!!!

what me worry? hell yes!!
I have to agree with longhair. I think this is good for nato. Anything that reminds them that they shouldn't be there is good for them. On the other hand if they screw with our troops I hope that we stomp a mud hole in them and march it dry. Sorry but I support our troops even if they are in a SNAFU situation.

[This message has been edited by Keeper (edited June 14, 1999).]
Oh, just wanted to make clear that I certainly am not anti-Russian or anything of that sort, but I do have concerns when their military makes certain moves or statements that may jeapordize our troops. I know everything NATO has done hasn't been correct, but when we got troops out there on the line, we gotta support them.
From: Ivan8883 6-15-99 1210PM EDT Guys, I also support our troopsthat is why Congress or our military on its own(bypassing Klintons Lackey Clark) should somehow get our men out of Nato and back home.Russia cannot get overfly permission from Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria to bring in more men(These nations also want to get on Nato Bandwagonalthough Masses everywhere Hate Natoand this includes Bulgarians, Romanians,etc. who like us have corrupt governments) and I believe Nato will try to evict Russians from Airport. This will cause Russian generals ,,who are pissed off anyway over how Nato lied to Russia after she pulled troops out of Germany ,disbanded Warsaw Pact only to see Nato expand to puppet states of Poland , Hungary and Czech State(M. Halfbright's father was a Czech Stalinist),to alert powerful sub forceswho are all at sea right now and powerful land mobile missile forces(dont believe Klinton and NWO propaganda that Russia is weak militARILY) TO RETALIATE against the West,including here in America. Russia has an official alliance with China nowthanks to Klinton and NWO actions against her for the last several years(Nato expansion,rape of her resources bynot only Russian born criminalsbut also Western Banksters) .If you combine the purposeful nearly complete destruction of US military by Klinton(10 weak divisions left,less than 300 ships,short 3 thousand pilots,no aircraft carriers in Pacificwhich should be a American Lake) with the combined might of China and Russia,we are in great great danger. I am afraid the a-- being kicked may be ours. Klinton also has directed our missile forces in 1996 toABSORB A FIRST STRIKE before retaliating!This would leave us with a few subs left which Russia could absorb our sub attacks and survive(Underground facilities,grain stored and half her herds slaughtered already in preperation of major war) WE are facing a military disaster that will make Pearl Harbor and Philipine Bataan Defeat look like a walk in the sun! THis is very depressing to talk about,but because of treachery in White House and incompetant Congresional leadership(that is being nice) oiur nation is facing disaster unless a miracle occurs. I ,as a veteran, thought we could learn from Vietnam,but history is about to repeat itself with consequences to horrible to imagine! Ivan
Morgan, you're right. One is worth a thousand CNNs...

I think Clausewitz was also right. He commented (In the mid 1700s? Before even my time) that the whole of the Balkans was not worth the life of one of his soldiers. What's changed?
Not a thing has changed. I think a better question is how so many otherwise intelligent people get caught up in the idea that yes, getting in was really stupid, but now either 1) we have to continue or we'll lose national prestige (like we should care-go get your handouts elsewhere) or 2)We have to support our troops. Guys, having come home from two wars to FAR different welcomes, I can tell you that the "support" I appreciated was what happened after I arrived back on my own shores.

And I will be MORE than happy to "support our troops" in the exact way most all of them would appreciate the most. Declare victory, bring them home, and throw one heck of a party for them.
Turn this around. The Russians are supposed to stand by while the rest of Europe pisses on people who have been allies for centuries?
Right. Read your history, folks. Those ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it.

This reminds me of the shock when China crossed the Yalu River into Korea. Why all the surprise? In three thousand years, China had NEVER allowed foreign forces to get that close to China without a preemptive strike. Not unless the regime was militarily powerless.

It reminds me of the pundits during the initial phase of the Soviet's 1980 invasion of Afghanistan. The pundits all agreed that Afghanistan was toast. My view was that they had not read their history. Alexander the Great could not conquer Afghanistan, Ashoka the Great was too smart to try. None of the Mongol khans succeeded. Or the Persian shahs. The British Empire, you say? They held everything within cannon shot of Kabul and that is all they held. I thought the Soviets were dumber than manhole covers for this move.

And that is what I think of the Balkans. Ask the Turks if they ever regretted "conquering the Balkans." Ever heard the term "Balkanization" meaning splitting a nation into smaller and smaller parts? Guess where it came from. And it is not a new term. You support our troops? You don't support them if you are not working like hell to get them out of there. You see, you don't support someone by saying, "Gee, we're with you guys" while allowing them to be thrown into a meat grinder. Words do not show support in this situation. Nor do emotions. Action alone counts. Otherwise, the odds are good that you will be "supporting" many Americans directly into a body bag.

I am neither pro Serb or anti Kosovan. I would be perfectly happy for US forces to sit in Albania to train and equip Kosovans to fight for what is theirs. But when our forces are committed without adequate justification, without adequate support, and without utilization of sound strategy and tactics-then anything short of getting them out of that situation is not support. It is abandonment while spouting empty verbiage to salve one's consciences.
Who the heck do those Russians think they are? How dare they not bend to our will? They are acting like a sovereign nation, doing what is in their own best interest. How dare they! Don't they know that the US/NATO knows what is best for the Balkans, and they shouldn't interfere?

To be or not to be-that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them.