Are some gun owners our worst enemy?


New member
Incidents such as the one in this news story give anti-gunners ammunition to argue against the rights of legal, law-abiding, safe gun owners.

Thankfully no one was injured or killed. Amazing how careless and stupid some people are with firearms. The dude was open carrying where he shouldn't have been, then drops the gun in the wife's purse (which was obviously left unattended) for the 2 year old to find and play with.:mad:
Incidents such as the one in this news story give anti-gunners ammunition to argue against the rights of legal, law-abiding, safe gun owners.

Thankfully no one was injured or killed. Amazing how careless and stupid some people are with firearms. The dude was open carrying where he shouldn't have been, then drops the gun in the wife's purse (which was obviously left unattended) for the 2 year old to find and play with.:mad:
Short answer, yes.
It is important for responsible owners to call out and denounce irresponsible actions, making a distinction between responsible and irresponsible actors.
Otherwise we all get painted with the same (irresponsible) brush.
At the same time, do pool owners wring their hands and worry about pools being banned when someone leaves their gate open and a child drowns?
Are people who say stupid things enemies of the 1st Amendment?

We don't need to use safety and responsibility to justify our rights. Our argument should be based on the fact that gun ownership is a right protected by the 2nd Amendment. There will always be irresponsible gun owners just as there are irresponsible speakers. Freedom has its price and some of that price included harmful things happening on occasion.
Gun control is not about safety it's about oppression. There is only so far you can push an armed population.
I have often thought that some gun owners are indeed our worst enemies. All that it takes to legally purchase a firearm in most states is a clean criminal record; the intelligence level of the purchaser is irrelevant.

Some people are irresponsible and downright reckless with firearms. These types of stories leave a lasting impression with people even if they aren't anti-gun. Just like the individuals that carried AR15s and AK47s into stores and restaurants "exercising" their right to open carry while the public was in a state of fear over recent mass shootings, stories of young children gaining access to firearms and discharging them do irreparable damage to the image of responsible gun owners.

At the end of the day, it literally takes one bad apple.....
It is just the bad stuff that gets the press, never the countless good events. I blame the press as much, or more, for the ignorant puplic's opinion of firearm ownership. Shaping public opinion instead of reporting the news seems to be their goal.
Accidents do happen with firearms as well as cars too. The accidents will happen again and again. Not a big deal to opine about. How many times did a CCW or cop leave his pistol in a bathroom stall. Liberals will attack guns no matter what happens.
Idiots are the reason we have to fight the Marxists over every single right and responsibility. If people didn't write racist messages we wouldn't have to defend free speech as often. The world is full of idiots, and the reasonably intelligent pay a "tax" of diminished rights because of them. Get used to it.
Shafter said:
Gun control is not about safety it's about oppression. There is only so far you can push an armed population.
Thanks Shafter for a short & sweet answer that hits the nail on the head.

It's easy to count crimes or mishaps with guns - they happened. How about crimes that were stopped or prevented by the mere presence of a gun. Those don't/can't get counted.
like drivers licenses and those who"got" kids(as opposed to raising kids.. some should never get a gun permit.. but there is no way to stop them or fix stupidty:rolleyes:
Are people who say stupid things enemies of the 1st Amendment?

We don't need to use safety and responsibility to justify our rights. Our argument should be based on the fact that gun ownership is a right protected by the 2nd Amendment. There will always be irresponsible gun owners just as there are irresponsible speakers. Freedom has its price and some of that price included harmful things happening on occasion.

This is perfect.
You can always cherry pick irresponsible people out of an entire population. If the goal is to reduce irresponsible behavior, then the emphasis needs to be on punishment. If the goal is to increase control, then the emphasis is on everything but the irresponsible person...
Accidents do happen but negligence is no excuse.

What I really hate are the D-bags that do stuff like open carry into a crowded store while filming themselves/being filmed, only so that they can YouTube the video when they eventually get questioned/confronted for acting like a jackass, all the while claiming it's just their 2A right... and not because they're attention seeking.

Those types of gun owners are the enemy of responsible gun owners. In my opinion anyway.