are scematics of ilegal items ileagal?


I guess this depends on your definition of "illegal."

If you mean machine guns, destructive devices, and other items the possession of which are highly restricted by law - - - There are a great many diagrams, drawings, and other images of the internal workings of such things widely avilable.

Some can surely be found on the internet. Many books are widely avilable. I have the Smith & Smith work, Small Arms of the World, on the shelf above my computer, and it has several such.

Illegal adjective Not allowed by law. I.E. the oppisite of legal

The reason that I ask is , That individuals that post on this board and others walk on eggshells when the topic is what makes a rifle legal or not. However If the Freedom of information act is what it is then why be so skidish about discusing certain topics?

Next question.... what do mean to say when "his eagle is sick".
from the Hip folks are cautious because no one wants to further an illegal act ( if someone were foolish enough to actualy for instance cut down a rifle barrell shorter than 16" or thread the muzzle , and port it .) since on many fed firearms charges having SOME of the parts or conditions ( in this instance the threading and porting for a suppressor ) with the intent to violate the law is in fact illegal , and if its discussed there exists the grounds for conspiracy to violate the law . now do you understand why many wont answer some questions online much less on a public board ?

What you and I may believe is a simple exchange of information (your ex. what makes a rifle legal or not) can be, and has been interpreted by some federal agents and prosecutors as "conspiracy to violate federal firearms laws".

Since most of us would prefer not to have to argue our point in court, we "walk on eggshells".

Sad, but that is the way the world is today. You can find just about any information you need, already published with enough diligence.
Information generally isn't illegal, but there are a lot of "but's". If you asked for something in particular, and someone helped you, and you were dumb enough to build something naughty, whoever helped would be guilty of "conspiracy to such and such" as mentioned above.

Also, depending on what you do and buy, your name might get put on a list, and "they" might want to check up on you later to see if you have built anything naughty.

Also, if you had a firearm discussed in such literature, or any of the materials required for something naughty, the BATFE would have no problem locking you up for a long long time under charges of "constructive possession" (after shooting your dogs and burning down your house).

Better hide your shoelaces.
:( :( :(

EDIT: Clarification
Ok I think I get it , So Inormation is illegal if it could help someone commit an illegal act... such as discusing information. Also materails that are not otherwise illegal can be ileagal if those materials could be constructed in to something illegal or be used to construct somthing illegal... like ANSI v4140 barstock or a lathe.
On the other hand I would certanly be sick to my core if I learned that I might have inavertanly helped a mentaly deranged or moraly deprived MaDMaN murder or harm even one innocent person.

P.S. In case your wondering the part after the ... was indeed sarcasim.
Thanks for clearing that up for me
I vaguely remeber reading some where that they passed a law that made the dissemination of plans to build a bomb illegal:barf: .
This or any other public forum is not the place to discuss doing anything illegal whatever that may be. You want to do naughty things, talk to your naughty friends and acquaintances. You might even find a federal marshall knocking on your door because someone normal informed or casually mentioned it to someone else. Not suggesting that you would ever do anything intentionally naughty.

Yep. It's a free country. Not as free as it used to be.