Are Railed 1911 Pistols Against the Rules?


New member
Are railed 1911 pistols against the rules in competition?

I read IDPA rules and only found statements about full length dust covers and add-on weight being illegal... so I'm pretty much clueless :barf:

This isn't to say I'm asking ONLY about IDPA, how about other competitions?

EDIT: as an add on I forgot I needed to know about.. are stainless or aluminum fames illegal?
In USPSA/IPSC, if it is 9mm or greater, it is legal in some division. You might get dumped into Open where it is not be competitive, but it is legal. A railed 1911 single stack is fine for USPSA Limited 10. Also fine for Single Stack if there is no full length dust cover.

In idpa you can have the rail just no lights. Edit: a Dawson rail (add on) might be frowned upon, but if it's part of the original build your ok.
IDPA bars full length dust covers whether cut for a searchlight rail or not.
Rails on short dust covers are OK if IF IF the gun makes the weight limit. And there are a lot of .45s out there with enough stuff added on to exceed the 41 oz weight limit for CDP.

USPSA has a limit on the length of a rail in Single Stack Division.
Other Divisions do not mention it.

NRA and CMP would not allow a rail in Service Pistol, but it would be ok in Centerfire or Big Bore.
Good info! thanks, guys! :)
I'll have to look into how long those rails can be and whatnot.

I was thinking about getting a PT1911SS with a Rail.