Are many Service Grades now at the Ann. CMP?

A friend who retired from a military rifle team has inside contacts who deal with them.
One of the guys walked into the Anniston store several weeks ago and saw almost no Service Grades available on the racks.

Has anybody out there walked into the South store within the last week or so, in order to compare these?
I'm at ATL Airport for almost a day, but won't bother driving over if there is little chance of CMP staff being ble to keep ahead of the previous orders.

It would be a shame, being a short drive from there, with almost no choice in this grade. The goal has been to acquire a second nice S. Grade.
Recently bought M2 Ball from them....which should qualify (?).
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according to their last newsletter they have kindof petered out a bit. they should have a little more selection though most of it is still more than likely just H&Rs and specials.

they were offering an armorers class for $1400. they throw a pile of parts in front of you and teach you how to assemble them and then you walk out with a piece of paper and a special grade that you built with your bare hands... if I lived in alabama that would be something I would jump at.
Is there any reason, other than the SA and Winchester actions having name-brand appeal, that people sometimes don't want an H&R action?

My only Garand has the SA action, but the only goal is to have a second Garand, also with a very bright bore and nice, typically mixed components, no matter who built the action/barrel (only from the CMP).
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The only reason I can see someone not wanting an H&R Garand is because they already own one or two. Harrington and Richardson had a reputation for building quality firearms and when they got the contract to build Garands they put the same craftsmanship in their rifles. Their receivers and stocks are finished better than Winchester or Springfield cosmetically BUT this is because they were made in peacetime. Winchesters and the majority of Springfields were built during WW2. These Garands were made to function not look nice. They weren't going to spend an extra hour per gun making the stock perfect and taking all the machine marks out of the receivers. Winchester gets the wow factor because they were produced during WW2 and there weren't a lot made as compared to Springfield.
The receiver/barrel of my only Garand is an SA manufactured at the actual end of the production timespan in '55.

My SA action was traced by a friend in his huge book which includes all production dates of every Garand component, and the book includes all of the serial numbers.
mine is a 44 springfield and all other parts are 44 except the barrel which was 52, all parts springfield though so I was very happy with it. if I could get a H&R with a barrel that had less than 1 on bore or chamber i might just get it just for shoots and leave the springfield to appreciate in the safe.
Thanks very much for the informative views.
Well, the store had zero Service Grades, except for those behind the desk waiting to be shipped. This was sort of expected. They Then had about nine Special Service Gs, at a price which Had seemed far too high. But....

Contemplating any future tragic events which will one day again trigger an acquisition or profit-flipping panic, plus inflation and the difficulties trying to anticipate a time when a group of Service could be avail., it got me thinking (= trouble).
Our King's latest decree (though the CMP is exempt) is bound to scare people, could further increase the demand, and remembering that we have the new ATF Politburo Kommisar, I decided to call the lady Admin. Officer (home) and well, bought a Special.
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tahunua001, I'm not saying that was a tale, but the ONLY time I've heard of non-CMP employees even handling their rifles was a few years back. The Garand Collector's Association had their convention down at Anniston, and members were allowed to volunteer to help empty boxes of Garands, not work on them. I'd reckon they would fear liability if they allowed a civilian, with just a simple armorer's course, to build a rifle and take it home with them. The staff at the CMP can't even hand pick a rifle out of the lot they have and buy it.
stickhauler, CMP sent out a mass email detailing the class, it only took a couple hours for it to be completely filled. this was less than 2 weeks ago and is easily researched.