Are Log Cabin Republicans Anti-Gun as a whole?


I'd long thought of gays & lesbians as mostly neutral on gun rights, or leaning slightly pro-gun as a group perhaps (of course, there are widely varying views, but I'm just speaking in rough generalities), and so I'd be really surprised that a *republican* gay group in particular would be anti-gun, but on Sunday, on a talking head show, it was said or strongly implied that the Log Cabin group is anti-gun (or "in favor of gun control") - is this correct?

If true, quite unfortunate. If false, then this group needs to be demanding a correction/retraction from the news show in question - It was either the one with Chris Wallace (Fox News Sunday), or NBC's Meet the Press, or ABC's This Week - I forget which - that had a journalist say this just as plain as day, that the Log Cabin R's support more gun "control" (which is really about people control / disarmament, of course).
Wait I could be wrong on this...

OK, here's the clip from Meet the Press with Tim Russert:

OK, it wasn't a journalist (mea culpa), it was the airing on Meet the Press of the Log Cabin Group's *own ad* about Mitt Romney, which highlighted the fact that Mitt Romney doesn't (or didn't) agree with the NRA (quoting how Mitt opposed the NRA). But honestly, I cannot tell, as dense as I am, whether the Log Cabiners were running this to *oppose* Mitt Romney or to *support* Mitt Romney, since they say he's been "fighting religious extremism" - wouldn't that be something the Log Cabin Group would be in favor of, not opposed to? And Mitt's support of Roe v. Wade - isn't this something the LCR's would be in favor of? I admit I'm confused. I was (and am for now) operating under the assumption that the LCR's would be conservative on fiscal & constitutional issues, but more moderate/liberal on social issues, such as abortion, etc. And so I thought that this ad was a PRO-Romney ad, not an ANTI-Romney "expose". What's going on here? When I click on "issues" or "news & views" on the LCR's site, it doesn't go into any detail on RKBA issues, near as I can tell...
My understanding is that the advertisement was meant as satire and not in support of Romney.

However, I do not know that groups position on guns.
Abortion really isn't high on the list of gay/lesbian interests, FirstFreedom.

The script of their ad is available here. It doesn't really say much about guns, other than to say that Romney "opposed the gun lobby". It's mostly pointing out flip-flops, so they really didn't need to take a side of their own.

As far as I can tell, the Log Cabin Republicans don't take many sides of their own on the gun issue. They're mostly about homosexuality and conceptual Republicanism.

There are heavily pro-gun groups of gay rights activists, such as the Pink Pistols and countless others. However, this isn't a very common belief among individual gay or lesbian groups in some areas -- San Francisco is not going to be progun any time soon, and even the Castro is not unusual on votes of that matter. GLAAD (not the worst acronym ever, but close) has been fairly antigun since at least the late 1990s. Even fairly progun areas have gay rights groups that do not like guns, like Equality Virginia (better, if slightly orwellian feeling).

There are progun gay and lesbian individuals, but in my experience they are not overwhelmingly common. That's rather unfortunate, given how successful Pink Pistols has been.
There were several LCRs working at my last job - generally speaking good guys who follow the party line as much as any other interest group. The ones I knew were at least mildly progun, but they all have their own issues for which they are republicans. The primary reason one of them is a republican (believe it or not, gattsuru) is abortion. Even as a gay man, he is very religious and against same-sex marriage and special treatment for gays. Another was a republican strictly on fiscal policy.
They were just showing that Mitt is not to be trusted with his conversion to right wing ideology from left wing ideology.

His ideology - rich boy wants to play in the White House. Will say anything.
OK, if it's an anti-Romney ad, then the clear implication (not explicit, mind you, but pretty strongly implict) is that they are pro-gun & pro-NRA if anything - so that's good news. I apologize to Log Cabiners. Thanks for your cooperation, and glad to know. :)
I dont know if a certain friend of mine would be a " log cabin republican" or not , however he is dammed sure gay , and dammed sure a single issue voter , gun rights for all .
Log Cabin Republican spokesman (warning, link is a little gay) "{Scott} Tucker says his organization doesn't have an official stance on gun control". I haven't seen any real comments by the Pink Pistols on the Log Cabin Republicans, but they tend to play down political affiliation. While a good deal of them are Republican, many others are libertarian, Democrat, or other independent.

The NRA has privately supported the Pink Pistols, and offers training and assistance.