Are black bears out in 12+ inches of snow?


New member
So, PA black bear starts tomorrow.
Yesterday into last night we got 12+ inches where i hunt. Temps going from low 20's to mid 30's .

Any point slogging through the snow?
Or should i stay home, enjoying my coffee in the warmth?
Going out in the cold to enjoy nature, if nothing else, is more enjoyable than drinking coffee at home.

Best of luck on your hunt if you go!
I'm not too far away in NY. I see bear on my cameras after the first snow fall and I see them in the woods in temps like we're having now. It's still going to be in the mid 30's up into the low 40's for a while. They don't hibernate the first snowfall. It takes an extended period of colder weather to slow them down for the winter.
The bears still have a month to run around .Then little ones arrive !
The Delaware River has been very high for many months . I wonder how many will swim over between the states . Best of luck to you !
Or should i stay home, enjoying my coffee in the warmth?
Don't reside on the East coast. Nor do I know about Black Bear behaviour in your neck of the woods.
Where I do reside. Blacks are sleeping now in the Northern half of this State . A good animal to keep tabs on. Racoon. They den up for their winter nap about the same time as the Black Bear.
Well, now it's a moot point anyways.
Loaded up truck at 3AM.
Engine cranks but won't fire up. Plenty of backfiring though..
Left on the rollback. Shops that do actual mechanical work not open on weekends around here.

Gotta call and cancel hotel reservation for Mon, Tues..
Guess i'll get the guest room painted this weekend afterall.
It's a very decided maybe. Yogi, of any flavour, is not a true hibernator like a ground hog. Cindy goes under when she's with child first. Then Yogi. However, your Game Commission says when that happens is a matter of food supply.
Personally, I've been looking for a hollow log or a cave since the end of July. Has to do with the amount of day light. Days start getting shorter on 21 June. By the end of July, sun up is after 0600.
"...Plenty of backfiring..." Needs a tune up. And that 12" of snow will be gone by sun down tomorrow. Supposed to be 48F today.
I hunted today until close to noon. Calf deep snow made walking grueling. Bears might be moving, but hunters won’t be. Have seen some nice pictures of FB, so there are lucky hunters out there.

I’m hoping snow melts some by Monday so walking will be easier than today.
Sorry to hear about your car problems, seems it always happens when you want to go somewhere. But as far as bear goes, I am on the west coast, a long way from PA. Never hunted PA, never wanted to. But I do know this: you won't find any game animals in your living room. If you want one, you gotta go where they are. So, snow or no snow, you gotta git out there to find 'em.
Bears are tough !! I went with a group to check new cubs one April in Pike Co . The mother was in perfect condition as were her FIVE cubs .All had shiny black furred cubs with no problems . Their home ? ? an old fallen dead hemlock .! ! This area , from the storm had, 15" of snow .
Get your snow shoes on !

As a kid, I went on a bear hunt in 2-3" of snow. Loaded up in my pal's '70 GTO Judge and away we went. When we couldn't get any further, we got out and walked. Danged if we didn't cut a set of bear tracks. So being young and full of it, we followed them, darn near all day.

Never saw the bear. Saw a lot of bear hunters. Got back to the Judge way after dark, and off the mountain even later. Our folks were worried sick.
We went out Saturday, and yesterday locally.
Got the daughters b/fs 2wd S10 stuck twice Sat. Once yesterday.
Saw some tracks, but boot tracks right behind them.
Rained like heck yesterday.
Took 2 hours to tear all the guns down, dry and oil them.

But would do it again in a heartbeat.

Got call 5 pm of truck done. Went to pick up. Guy said shifter wasn't adjusted right. I asked if he fixed the misfire, then no start/ backfire. He assured me it was shifter.
Went out to fire it up and proove it to me. Truck wouldn't start, backfired through exhaust.
Told him THAT was my problem!
Called me 8pm said it was fixed. We'll see...

1-2 inches of snow near Bennezette yesterday. Looks like more snow on the way. Waiting for daughters b/f to pick me up so we can get my truck and head up there.