Archery Elk is done, and the Elk won...

Barnacle Brad

New member
But, MAN! it was fun!!

So this was my first archery elk hunt. We had the whole month of sept to fill our tags. Unfortunately, it was my turn to be sick - flu, chest cold, and finally a bout with my allergies! I hunted a total of seven days. Really? Yep.

Weekend before last, the bulls finally started talking. Kevin called a little spike in and I teased him with the cow call to within 60-70 yards. He had me pegged though and could not get him closer. He stayed in the cover and barked at me every once in a while. He was working up the hill in front of me and must have crossed the road within sight of the truck. I thought for sure Kevin would hear him and cut him off. Psh!

Meanwhile, the boyz were hiking to the truck from the top of the ridge. Tysin bugled up a six point and came within twenty yards of Wes who could not get a shot lined up before the bull busted him. Tysin kept him interested, but he was done playing.

Last saturday morning I was hunting alone. I spotted two cows - well one cow first, she was maybe forty yards out and working sidehill above me. She may have winded me and started up the hill. I started to climb up to find her and saw her again with another, but it was obvious I would not be able to get in front of them so I went on around to where the six point had been.

I eased into the clear cut and jumped a doe. Walking down the skid road I stopped to bugle. The bull stepped into the cut, on top of the opposite ridge, and stared right at me! I side stepped slowly to get cover behind a tree, but by the time I had worked into another position to watch him, he had gone over the hill. He bugled a few times but would not come out from the cover. There was a spike and three mule deer bucks lower in the cut and to the right of where the bull had been, but they worked their way to the backside of the ridge as well. I guess I should have tried to put a stalk on them, but decided not to pressure them in hopes of catching them in the evening moving down to feed.

You know! I would like to be an elk for one day, because I have to admit...they baffle me. Saturday evening, they would not answer the bugle. It was like they had vanished. Sunday morning was no different. They either fled the country or got educated and shut up. Whatever... they won another round. My corner threw in the towel, packed the camper and went home.