Arab/American soldier to be deported


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Check out this story. An Arab/American paratrooper serving in Afghanistan, who came to the US in 1987, is being sent back to the US and then deported back to Morocco for some sort of immigration irregularities related to marriage. It's a kind of confusing case, but I would think that with such a shortage of Arabic speakers, this guy would be useful.
i dont really know the whole story, but if it is how it sounds, thats bogus...we definitely need major immigration reform as far as the process goes. im actually going through the process right now; my fiancee is from canada and im gonna be bringing her back with me over christmas break. we've been waiting for the visa and everything to go through for a year and a few months (since we started the process only i can visit her, she is pretty much not allowed in the makes no sense whatsoever). i can easily see how someone could mess up some small part of the paperwork or w/e, it can be very cryptic and confusing. the part that sucks is that you can get deported for it.
An Arab-American can't be deported because the US has no ability to deport American citizens. So obviously, your thread is mis-titled. He is an Arab but not an American.

The military also has had a great deal of difficulty with Arab interpreters and clergy actually being loyal to the enemy and at times found them to be committing espionage. There have been several cases that were made public. Many more that have not made the news. I assume there is more to this than is being reported. It is quite difficult to get ICE's attention. There are probably tens of million legal aliens who are potentially deportable in addition to the 30-40 million illegal aliens. Few are actually deported by ICE, generally only murderers, rapists, gangmembers, terrorists, and extreme cases of fraud (usually some ring leader). They simply don't have time for much else. Something got drew their attention to this guy.

I also wouldn't consider the Guardian legitimate news source. Typical left Euro fringe clap trap in that rag.
The military also has had a great deal of difficulty with Arab interpreters and clergy actually being loyal to the enemy and at times found them to be committing espionage. There have been several cases that were made public.

Let's not forget John Allen Muhammad or that guy who fragged those officers in the 101 just before HHour for OIF I...