AR15 pre-ban lower or post-ban lower?


New member
I have a Bushmaster post-ban lower...a Dissapator upper and a M4 upper. I thought I would be happy just switching out the uppers as needed...I thought wrong...I'm just itching to complete a second AR15.

I almost bought a pre-ban stripped reciever today for $850.00. Then I thought to myself, "Do I want a telscoping stock that bad?" Actually I do, but I forced myself to go home and think it over.

I'm not rich...what should I do? Post-ban assmebled lower for $300, pre-ban stripped reciever for $850.00. Tell me I'm crazy for even debating about this.

BAN the bans.
If you don't live in CA., then wait until after 1/1/2000. Prices will go down. Unfortunately, I live in CA. and if I had the choice and $850 burning a hole in my pocket, I'd get two post-ban lowers and another upper receiver and have three AR's. ;) Since you have a couple little guys, why not get a big 24" space-gun? I have a CAR-15 and an M-15A2 and if I were to get another AR, then I'd go the big space-gun route.

Your stripped pre-ban lower cannot be assembled with too many "evil" features and remain legal, UNLESS you can prove it was assembled as an evilwickemeanandnasty Crime Bill '94 "assault rifle" _before_ Sept. 20-whatever of that dark year.

To me, the extra shekels disqualify the allegedly preban lower, even if it's guaranteed to be flash hider-worthy.
A space-gun is a tricked-out weapon. It could be an AR-15 with a bull-barrel, free-floating handguards, big, ungainly grip, etc.. to make it look like something from outer space.
I used to really despise the looks of them but compared to some of the things coming out lately, e.g. the HK SL8-1, they're not so bad looking.

Thanks for the info guys...most likely I'm going with a post-ban lower. Probably going to order a Bushmaster lower through my local gun shop.
It's my understanding that if a pre-ban lower isn't assembled as a pre-ban rifle, then it may not be assembled as a pre-ban. The BATF considers not only when the lower was made, but when it was assembled. It's no joy to the gun owning public.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
My question is this. How can you prove without a doubt that ANY pre-ban lower, is acually pre-ban? Even if the lower was in a dealer's bound book as a stripped lower prior to that magical date 9/13/94 How can BATF prove that a pre-ban upper was never placed on that rifle for even a fraction of a second. Thus making the lower a "pre-ban" This might have happened at the factory, gun store, ect. Far fetched?

Good point Daren. In theory, the burden of proof rests on the Govt. In reality, the defendant still loses because of the huge legal fees incurred to establish innocence. For myself, I don't need or want the legal hassles.

Now, if I was 70 plus and ready to kick the bucket (l tell the govt agents to scr-w themselves). But, I've many years to go before retirement and remain, as a fellow indentured servant (homeowner with mortgage), timidly yours,

4v50 Gary

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
since this is an issue that could seriously inhibit your RKBA, i think it deserves some clarification.

legally there is no such thing as a stripped pre ban lower that you can buy today from a store

to be preban it had to be assembled before the ban

there was an audit of the manufacturers and the ATF inventoried parts
the manufacturers were able assemble loose parts to make up complete unassembled guns in boxes

these lowers were considered preban

unless the preban lower you saw was a private sale of a lower that has been in a safe since preban daze, then it can only be assembled with post ban features

if you have a sales reciept for a purchase this week then its postban regardless of the serial number

preban status is for assembled guns only

This is my own situation. I have an Essential Arms J-15 "pre-ban" receiver. Essential Arms was out of buisness in 1993. I bought the gun in 1995. How do I know for sure that it is acuallt "pre-ban"? No way to know absolutely positivley for sure, as the situation I described could have taken place with a reciever like mine. I bought the gun from a private party so I have no sales reciept.
