

Well, I don't spend a lot of time on to many other boards, so forgive me. Mostly, I hang around the AR15.COM boards under the name of Jayman.

If any of you guys here frequent there boards, have you been having problems with connecting to their board?

Sorry for the off topic question for a first post. I've needed to broaden my horizons for a while and hangin around here seems to be a good place to be with like minded people. I already see some familiars here.

Thanks for any response


[This message has been edited by Sabre62 (edited October 02, 1999).]
I use to go their daily, until about a week ago. They have so many ad banners that are linked to another site that the pages take forever to load. I started clicking on the stop button when I saw the data transfer stop while waiting for the return from the banner page. Too much trouble so I don't go anymore. The long load times for ad banners is why I don't go to GlockTalk very often. It is annoying.
I've been having problems too. I keep getting a prompt about ActiveX controls not being safe. Looks like its down again. :( Hope its back online by tomorrow, and I really hope it wont be like that week in late June/early July when it was down the whole time!
It's back up. I believe Edward is doing some upgrades to make it run better. This will be going off and on, so the ride should be fun.
Same here Sabre, I have been monitoring this board for a while by didn't register until recently.
I did have problems with late yesterday. However, it seems to up and running earlier this mourning. It seems to have been running smoothly for a while.

I don't understand the comments about the banners (speed). Your problem may be something else. I don't have any problems with the banners loading speed. Their pages load just as fast as in this forum with less banners. And I only have a 28.8 modem. The pages pretty much pop up within a couple of seconds. On rare ocassions, it does take longer, but I have never found the banners on the AR15 site to be a speed problem.

You also have to realize the time and effort that it takes to setup maintain and run a website with that much traffic and it is thru the banners that they compensated for their efforts. But, you probably already know that. Support them of lose them. I would say that it is only a matter of time before this site adds more banners. So, I wouldn't blame them, but I also do understand the frustration at times. has its ups and downs, but since Ed brought in the ads, it certainly seems to run slower.

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