AR15.COM refugee


Yet another refugee saying hello.

It seems another secret has been effectively kept from me. You folks have a decent website here.

I was at a training school all week and was looking to get my "fix" upon returning home, only to find was down.
Welcome, Glenn.

The AR-15 site was up earlier today, but evidently went down again. You guys are more than welcome here. Hope we can live up.
If everybody that is visiting here was to tell them how great this place is then we better watch out for the "our's is bigger and better than yours" syndrom.

Things here are pretty good but without a doubt the AR15 forum is better
Hi Glen,

So, like me, are you also remembering that you own a whole bunch of other guns besides AR's? This place is pretty cool and they all seem like nice folks. Maybe I can get my other 4 million questions answered.
I also ran across The Firing Line about a month ago. I've found its members to be friendly and helpful. I had been mainly hanging out on and, while looking for other specialty boards for my other firearms. The people here have a lot of experience across a wide range of subjects, and have made me feel quite welcome. Not once have I been flamed for expressing my opinion or alternate point of view. I've even introduced some of my anti-gun friends to The Firing Line so they can see that we're not a bunch of crazed lunatics. After reading posts here, some of them have actually started to rethink thier opinions of gun enthusiast. So, come on in, pull up a chair and stay awhile, I think you'll like it here.

Size has never been a real big issue for us. Quality has. (Fact is, I never have looked at the AR-15 Member count).

It's kind of like inviting you into our home, ya know? We love hearing about bigger and better living rooms, and we'll do our very best to make you feel at home and offer you what we can.

I don't get by the AR board too much, since we started TFL. Hope you'll give my best regards to Ed Avila, if he's still the Administrator. He's been a good friend to us.
Rich Lucibella
I agree that size does not matter it's the quality of people and information passed along. Sometimes though it's fun to get a little frendly flaming going just to spice things up. Since I stumbled across this board I've been amazed at all the excelent info. Here there is a much broader view and not as narow/specilazed as on the AR15 board. Now if there was a way to introduce the general population to somthing like this and teach the fence sitters that there is much much more to firearms than killing we would then be able to put an end to all the anti gunners and how wrong they are.
"Sometimes though it's fun to get a little frendly flaming going just to spice things up." Hmmm.

As your email is blocked, I wonder if you might drop me a quick email when you have a minute. I'd really be in your debt.
Thanks in advance,

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited June 12, 1999).]
I found this site from someone posting at awhile ago, and much like JJR have other toys that always keep me looking for answers.

Very nice site Rich.

You're not considering counterrevolutionary propaganda against another website, are you? That would violate the Prime Directive. "Be Nice, hold hands and lustily sing Kumbaya."


Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I could be wrong, but I read Shrike's "size" post as pure humor. Hard to translate into text sometimes.
In any case, Salute to the administrators of TFL. A great site indeed, and I'm proud to be a member.

Is there a chat function?

Same Shot, Different Day
I've checked out some of the other pro gun discussion sites. (Come on admit it we all have. It's not really cheating if we only look at the pictures. Right?
But, and not wanting to start a flame war, I prefer TFL for the very reason Chucko pointed out. The members here, though certainly interested in our guns, are equally interested in preserving our rights and have dedicated themselves to that goal through rational, intellectual interaction with anits and "fense setters". Anyone whom has visited this site with any regularity has seen examples of this. Even though I have no anti or fense setting friends I would be delighted to direct any to this site. I feel conversations and people like those found here may eventualy be the very thing that saves our second amenment rights.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
I'll save my counterrevolutionary fervor for a real fight. These guys are on our side.
As I said, the Administrator at AR-15 helped us out back when they were an email list. That's why they're proudly displayed in our links section.

Nah, no problem here. I'm looking for Shrike9 on personal business.

Upon checking the info upon regestering I was under the impression that any Administrator or Moderator could accedd my e-mail address. Oh well think I've gone and fixed that so now it's open for all.
Rich, Sir,
You owe me. Look at your line, for God's sake, "Size has never been a real big issue for us. Quality has." I've danged near given myself a double hernia holding back the multitude of possibilities after such a comment. Jeez, Rich, it's like dangling a cold beer in front of an overheated, dehydrated alcoholic.

PS. I know this was no accident, RJ!

Although I am a member here, I guess that the last few days I have been a kind of "refugee" too. Access to has been real limited, lots of "server busy" or no valid address type messages. Coincidently, TFL's move has caused some concern over on AR15 by a couple of people that got left behind. (Strange, but once as a teenager, I came back from a couple of days out of town only to find out that my parents had moved.)
I have been a member here for a couple of months (just hung around and read for a while before that), and have recognized several AR15 members, even some who like me don't have the same name on both boards. Anyway they are both great sites.