AR15 Automatic Conversion INFORMATION

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Let me start off to state that I have no interest in actually owning a Machine gun. I have no intention of converting my AR15 to a select fire/full auto weapon. But I am interested in having the information to do so.

I do not put a lot of stock in the coming of the Zombie Apocalypse, collapse of government, 12/21/2012 EOTW Scenarios. That is not to say I find them impossible. I am a Computer guy, and my profession requires me to have a plan in the event of all possible scenarios. For my employer I have prepared Business Continuance plans for even the most unlikely scenarios (Nukes, bombs, tsunami in the Appalachian mountains, etc..)

It is that thinking that makes me want to have a personal plan for even those unlikely scenarios. In that plan is a step by step guild to convert my AR15 to full Auto. I intend this to be a printed guide with detailed instructions, as I doubt the internet will still be around.

So here is my question, is having the information to convert a AR15 to full auto illegal, or would such a guide be protected by free speech?

Provided such information is not illegal, is it available? Is there a book or other per-existing guide that would outline the steps.

I am hesitant to do a bunch of Google searches for fear of a knock on the door as I have no real illusions of privacy.
I am hesitant to do a bunch of Google searches for fear of a knock on the door as I have no real illusions of privacy.

Yet you posted here, in a public forum, read by hundreds and thousands of people every day?

Why don't you apply for a manufacturers license? Then you can make machine guns till you are blue in the face and you won't have to worry about what you are doing being illegal.

edit: Also if you are preparing for the "end of the world" (a topic that is taboo here) why do you want to make a perfectly good rifle into a bullet hose? Do you think throwing away ammo three to five rounds at a time would be a good idea if the ammo supply suddenly became a fixed and valuable commodity?
"I am a Computer guy, and my profession requires me to have a plan in the event of all possible scenarios."

So what are you planning for in this scenario? How to spend 10 or so years in a Federal penitentary being traded around like a cheap baseball card?

If you find the need to "have a plan" in this particular instance, you'll need to forumlate it WITHOUT the help of TFL or its members.

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