The topic is "accuracy". Competition is a means of measuring accuracy.
While I agree to a point, I think you have to be realistic in how you do it and make your comparisons.
Most of these things end up being a match grade target type AR against a rack grade AK (not that there is a match grade
). My point being, "target" shooters using tuned guns and using/wearing all their "cheats" want to compare "target" scores, against a gun thats not in the match, even with cheats.
Take a basic rack grade AR, and an AK, take away all the "cheats", and make the shooters shoot a little more realistically, then I think youll see things come a little closer to even, at realistic ranges.
Add a good red dot to both, and youll also see the gap come together. I have and shoot both, both with irons and red dots, and when I shoot them at targets with no aiming point, from improvised field positions, my hits on target are very similar with both guns.
As far as not seeing AK's at the "matches", they arent the only ones. You dont normally see FAL's, HK's, or most of the other "military" type weapons of other countries there either. In some cases, they arent even allowed. The HP and DCM/CMP type matches are normally geared towards "target" shooting with tuned, match grade, M1's, M1A's/M14's, and more of late, AR's, along with all the "gear", that I call "cheats". You dont usually see people shooting rack grade guns in their street clothes, and you usually get some pretty hard looks when you suggest it too.
Even at 200 yards, I've never seen an AK clean the target and that 10 ring is 7 inches.
I shot this at 200 yards with my old SAR1 (7.62x39), using its slightly canted irons sights, and a lot of Wolf 154 grain SP's it likes. The lower group was fired from an improvised rest to confirm zero. The upper group was fried from a cross legged sittning position at a fairly steady cadence, and actually faster than I would normally shoot the rapid fire sitting position in HP. If you do the scale conversion using the rule, I think youll find the main group was around 6" (allowing for my called "flyer" when shooting). This was simply a drop into a sitting position and blast off what was in the mag.
Just so you dont think it was a fluke, this was the target prior while chasing zero and getting the sights in. The fliers on both targets were my fault, and noted in both cases. This was just trying to get the sights on too, not trying to shoot "groups", other than to confirm they were consistent in where they were going....