AR / Pistol tactics question

Hey all I am new to the site and looking forward to learning and gaining incite. I am working for NCPD and looking to try out for SWAT. I am left eye dominant but shoot my service pistol right handed since this is my strong side. I will have to shoot myAR left handed. So how is this tactically speaking. Is it similar to operating both weapon systems on the same side. And how are transitions made? Thanks for advice.
You need to keep both eyes open so that means you need to shoot the rifle on your master eye side only. The pistol won't matter. I shoot with both hands and just tip my head to shoot the weak eye side.
For something as serious as SWAT, you would want to be capable with your equipment from both left and right side.
Then eye dominance is less of an issue.
Shooting a long gun from both shoulders was taught in the military, it is easy to practice with. To transition from right shoulder to left shoulder :

Pull the weapon from your shoulder, move your left hand to the pistol grip establishing a grip.

Move right hand to foregrip, move rifle to position on left sholder.

Practice it enough and it becomes automatic anytime you need to shoot from cover, you automatically adjust from right to left. Its all about exposing no more of yourself than needed. Also, do not crowd cover, a near miss can ricochet and follow a wall.
Eye dominance with a handgun is no issue, with a long gun it's a big issue. Try a round of skeet sometime with your weak eye. If you close your strong eye to get the proper sight picture you lose depth perception which makes it difficult to hit moving targets or see a threat that comes in on your blindside.