AR-15 zero for high-power 6 o'clock hold at 200 yards


New member
My home range for high-power league shooting is only 200 yards. We use reduced targets for prone and prone rapid.

I'm going to be using a newly pinned removable sight on my flat-top upper next season.

I plan to zero the elevation by adjusting the front post to hit the X at 200 yards with a 6 o'clock hold. are there any standards or guidelines as to what distance the rear sight should be indicating for this setup? Or does it not really matter as long as I know what my setup is?

The last couple of years I've had the rear sight bottomed out for this range, which also nearly bottoms out the front post. The sight used to be set up to indicate 3/6 at 2 clicks up from bottoming out. Now that it's pinned, it bottoms out showing 3/6 and I don't think I can change that anymore. I'd like to have a click or two of flexibility for ammo and/or temperature changes.

Any insights appreciated!
One method is to zero the rifle with the rear sight a few clicks off the bottom. When you are satisfied take fingernail polish and put marks on the receiver and the sight as a reference point for your zero. Also count the clicks to the bottom. This will give you two indicators for finding your 200 yard zero. Keep a score or data book with zero information. Depending on memory can be dangerous. Not that I would have any knowledge about memory problems.
I plan to zero the elevation by adjusting the front post to hit the X at 200 yards with a 6 o'clock hold. are there any standards or guidelines as to what distance the rear sight should be indicating for this setup? Or does it not really matter as long as I know what my setup is?

It does not matter as long as you know what your setup is.

I would zero at 25m for poa=poi with the rear sight having at least quarter to half a turn from bottoming out (adjusting the front sight post for elevation), then try a 6 o'clock hold at 200 yards to fine tune. This should give you some adjustment to achieve a good 6 o'clock sight picture.

You should be able to get your front post down far enough to give you some wiggle room on the rear sight. There aren't any hard and fast rules as to how you are supposed to have things set, however lots of folks seem to have gotten good results with the rear sight not bottomed out as their zero.

You said your sight is pinned. I am curious who did the work?

Supposed to be 5 MOA at 100 yards per revolution on an A2 front sight, so 1.25 MOA per click.

MOA per click on your rear will play a role in just how much wiggle room you have. I thought standard A2 were 1 MOA, standard A3 carry handles were 1/2 MOA. Once you start getting into match sights its usually 1/2 and 1/4 MOA clicks.

Keeping track of your zero...
Some folks like to keep data books. I've even seen a guy keep all his data on an Ipad. Some make markings on the sights. I use masking tape and a sharpie. If you shoot enough it just becomes ingrained into memory. Find whatever way works for you, as long as you know what your click values are...that is all that truly matters when you are on the firing line.
I have my White Oak Service rifle bottomed out at 200 yards. At 200 years I never found any environmental conditions that change the elevation. Windage yes, but not elevation.

I like to keep the sights bottomed out so I know what ever range I fire, I know I have to adjust from the bottom.

I have a habit of returning the sights (bottoming them out) when I'm finished shooting a stage. I always know I have to come up from 200, I never have to wonder if when going to 600 did I have on my 200 or 300 zero.

Just a habit I developed when I started shooting high power nearly 40 years ago.

I suppose if you are only going to shoot at 200 it doesn't matter, just remember to mark your sights so you can look down and instantly see you are at your 200 yard zero.
Wow Kraig, I always assumed you'd been shooting awhile but 200 years? That's something!:D

For my Match A4, I zero at 200 with the rear sight up 2 clicks. No particular reason not to bottom it out, if I happen to shoot 100 it's not for score so I don't change the sights. Just the way I started doing it and never changed.