AR-15 Website

Bob Thompson

New member
I'm just about ready to buy my first AR-15 rifle and have been enjoying this website for some time now but haven't been able to access it for a couple of days now. Anybody know if anything is wrong or are having the same trouble. My sidebar says "unable to access or server is not answering".
I think I remember that was changing servers. All the trouble seems to have started since then. With any luck, they will change back.

In any case, you are not dreaming, the site is down.

Same Shot, Different Day
I received an e-mail from Edward Avila, the administrater, today in response to one I sent him. He is hoping to have the site up and running again by tonight. He has been away. Nothing sinister happened apparently.
Yeah, it seems that site has been going down alot. It's a great site, with loads of info, and like bob, I was planning on getting a AR15 soon too. This must be frustating to their hardcore members..

You're gettin' ready to blow? I'm a mushroom-cloud-layin' motherf**ker, motherf**ker! Every time my fingers touch brain I'm "SUPERFLY T.N.T," I'm the "GUNS OF NAVARONE."

- Jules
This place is great. I went ahead yesterday and saved this web sites address. Cause I figured if it went down, it was said to come over here. WOW pretty nice. I never even knew this was here. It still doesn't compare, at least yet, too BUT, I think I'll give it a chance. Especially considering what is going through lately.

This is getting tiresome. I like it here, but I LOVE I'm running out of bulletin boards to check out!!