AR-15 problem


New member
Hey guys,

I've got an old Colt Sporter (223) that I hadn't fired for a couple years until recently. When I decided to blow the dust off it, and put some rounds through it.

When I finally had it out at the range, I would fire a shot, and then, when I released the trigger the rifle would fire another shot.(to my dismay)

I field stripped the rifle immediately to examine the trigger group to see if I could see something out of place or irregular and could find nothing wrong.

It kept doing this sporaically throughout my range session.

I'm going to take it to a smith, to have the sear etc. examined, but I was wondering if any of you guys have experienced a similar problem.

It just disappointing for me because I have always considered this rifle my most reliable and dependable rifle in the past. Never even had a stoppage with it before.

Any other people have a similar problem with a colt or other S.Auto?
I'm not a gunsmith, but it sounds like a worn sear notch on the hammer or a worn trigger at the point the trigger engages the hammer sear notch. Both may be replaced cheaply and your rifle should function well.
Go to you'll answers to everything in minutes. And, yes, it does sound like a worn sear, but it could also be a worn spring. Did you store the rifle with the hammer down?
There might be something obstructing the mechanism. A good blast or two of "foul-out" should clean up all the crap. A grain of sand caught in there could be the culprit. A properly placed staple in a Mini-14 will cause the gun to be a reliable '2-shot' and really makes for a fun, legal time at the range.
Sounds like the disconnector to me. If the rifle was working properly when you put it away the aforementioned cleanings may well solve your problem.
Good Luck and Be Safe
I second the notion of a through cleaning and another test. If the rifle was firing fine when you put it away, the sear didn't wear in your closet. It may be springs, but I can't imagine any wear being an issue.
Thanks for the responses guys,

I guess before I take it to the smith, I'll have a go at the trigger mech with a good cleaning. Then give it another chance at the range first.

I am usually in the habit of storing my firearms with the hammer down(fired) position, but honestly I do not remember the position of the hammer when I took it out from the safe this time. That is an interesting posibility.

It would seem more likely as he trigger mech does not have any visible excessive wear on any of the relevant surfaces.

I'll keep you posted on if the cleaning resolves the issue.
Concur with HankL on disconnector. It may be gummed up and disabled. Try hitting it with some sort of spray cleaner to dissolve any grease or dirt buildup. Better yet, if you're familar with the lower, disassemble the hammer/trigger group entirely and clean it with solvent. There's only two pins to knock out (one for hammer/hammer spring) and one for trigger assembly (trigger, trigger spring, disconnector, disconnector spring). The only tools you'll need are a punch and a hammer.

Go to the site and you'l find instructions on how to assemble a lower receiver. Study it carefully before starting. It's easy and fun.
SharpCnd, Let us know how this finally works out. I'll always hope that when I pick up any tool after proper storage it will work properly.
The fact that the gun fires after you release the trigger suggests that the disconnector is functioning fine. When you release the trigger in an AR, the disconnector notch is released and the sear notch engages at the forward portion of the trigger. If this notch is worn at either the hammer or trigger side, the gun goes "BOOM". By all means disassemble the lower (use any manual) and inspect these parts. You can also thoroughly clean the lower receiver and its components. If there is wear in any of the lower components, there are many places to obtain them at fairly low cost. Good luck,
Doc, If the disconnector's posterior portion is in the least bit superior to it's normal resting place AND our friend Sharp holds his trigger fully back until such time that the bolt has full closed upon the next round when he releases the trigger it will not hand off to the hammer no matter what condition the sear and notchy things are in.
You may well be right but I'll stand by some gruder changing the geometry of the disconnector sir.