AR-15 or Mini 14?

Definitely the AR. It is MUCH more accurate---I have talked to people who dropped hundreds of dollars into their Mini14s and still couldn't make them MOA accurate, whereas most factory ARs are MOA accurate out of the box. Good hicap magazines are also expensive and hard to find for the Mini14, and it can be quite unreliable with some of the crappy aftermarket mags out there.
ARs, meanwhile, are very accurate, USGI mags are plentiful, if not as cheap as they used to be, spare parts are easy to find and IMHO the gun is much more ergonomic than the Mini and is easier to field strip.

Reliable if properly maintained.
Great iron sights.
Cheaper mags than a Mini..
Parts are widely available.
Much better looking than a Mini-14 (IMO).
Available in far more configurations, and can be changed from an "urban carbine" into a long-range varmint or match rifle by simply switching uppers (of course, a new upper will cost you the price of a Mini-14 or more)

Fairly expensive ($700 and up).
Filthy action, very high maintanance (must be cleaned after EVERY shooting session).
An evil black baby-killing assault rifle ;) <there - so nobody else gets confused>(not necessarily a con, it certainly doesn't bother me, but it is banned in some of the more tyrannical areas, such as NYC and Kalifonia).


Very reliable.
Lower maintanance.
Politically Correct (again, not a pro in my eyes by any means, but it is legal in places where AR's are not).

Not very accurate.
Ugly (IMO).
Expensive mags (when you factor in 5 or so 30 rounders, the price difference between an AR and a mini becomes less of an issue).
Parts not as widely available, and Ruger will not sell them to you, you'll have to send the rifle to their shop if it is broken (their shop is very good from what I have heard, however).
Not very versatile -- a Mini-14 is what it is, a reliable, but not very accurate and kind of clunky rifle. It will never be a long range varmint rifle or a quick handling "urban carbine".

I'd say definately go for the AR if they are legal where you live and you don't mind working a little to keep it clean. The price difference shrinks when magazines are factored in.

I have outshot quite a few people with scoped Mini's at the range with my Bushmaster Shorty AK with a 14.5" barrel and iron sights.

Have fun.

[This message has been edited by Andrew (edited February 18, 2000).]
Andrew are you an anti? How can you call an ar15 a "evil black baby killing assault rifle" those are the kind of words that i would expect to hear from some anti that wants to ban all guns? 223sniper
Um, sarcasm?

I know it is kind of hard to see sarcasm on these internet forums, but I thought it was pretty clear.

Besides, how many gun-grabbers do you know that own an AR-15? I'm about as much an anti as Rosie O'Donnel is a beauty queen.
Whadaya mean? Rosie makes me HOT! :rolleyes:
but seriously :D this isnt much of a contest - spend the extra $ for the AR. Besides being more accurate than a mini (by a substantial margin) there have been so many ARs and variants manufactured (Second only to AKs I think?) that parts supply is unlikely ever to be an issue. Mine has been reliable to a fault.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Andrew:
I have outshot quite a few people with scoped Mini's...

Whoa! For a second there, I thought I was reading "I have SHOT quite a few people..." :o
Time for new contact lenses!


"Ray guns don't vaporize Zorbonians, Zorbonians vaporize Zorbonians" The Far Side

[This message has been edited by jcoyoung (edited February 18, 2000).]
I love my Mini-14. Granted, it doesn't shoot 1 MOA or less, (mine shoots 1.5~2.5 MOA) but it is light, reliable (Let's ask George about AR-15 reliability ;)) and I have six USA mags (5 were 100% out of the bag, 1 had a feed lip that needed to be persuaded and is now 100%) that cost me 13.99$ a piece.

If you want to get into AR-15 matches, get an AR-15. If you want a solid, reliable rifle to protect the family and plink the heck out of a plastic milk jug, without going to the poor house to do it, get the Mini-14.

As Andrew stated, there are places that the Mini-14 can go that the AR-15 can't.

Guns cause crime like spoons cause Rosie O'Donnell to be fat!
Umm, Blades, I don't think I WILL ask George about AR15 reliability, as he admitted in that thread that the reason the gun was unreliable was HE HAD THE WRONG BUFFER ASSEMBLY IN IT.
Hey, if you decide to get a Mini, you've always got a fair-to-middling river anchor. If you want a rifle, get the AR. (With the correct parts installed.)
I'm with blades67. I've got both rifles and although my AR is more accurate, the mini is a heck of a lot of fun to shoot and I can take it on public lands without worry. I too have had good luck with early production USA mags.
I guess I'm missing something. Why would you have trouble taking an AR on public lands, if taking a Mini on public lands is o.k.?? Is there some law about which I'm not familiar that prohibits AR's on public lands, but permits Minis???
WalterGAII: I think Bullseye means going out to a place where people might see you and might notice the shape of your gun. The differences in people's perception between the AR and the Mini is like walking into a bank wearing a baseball cap vs. a ski mask.

Erik, I was in your position a month ago and just recently decided on a Mini. If you love to tinker with guns and enjoy the attendant frustrations/rewards, splash out for the AR. For simplicity, durability and PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE accuracy for the intended purpose (plinking and varmints), the Mini wins.

The key is intended purpose. AR's for match shooting, Mini's for light hunting, and anchors for anchoring.

Mercator, I never had to tinker with any of my ARs...somehow they have all been very reliable right from the get-go. On the other hand, I did have trouble finding good mags for a reasonable price for the second and last Mini 14 I will ever own...and the lack of good hicap mags impedes reliability.
I have owned 3 AR's and 4 Mini 14's , I still have 1 of the Mini's and am looking for another AR . They are both great rifles . The AR is more accurate but the Mini will still get the job done . I picked up the latest Mini 2 weeks ago and it shoots great , it is a stainless - synthetic and will put every shot in a 4" circle at 100 yards offhand with the factory open sights , I know a lot of so called expert shots that can not shoot that well with a bolt rifle from the bench using a scope . I have never had a failure with a Mini , I can not say the same thing about the AR . Good luck , Mike...

As the other poster mentioned the Mini looks less intimidating , I was Shooting groundhogs with a friend one day , I had a Mini and my friend had an AR , and a State trooper came up to us and said a neighbor about 1/2 mile behind us had called and complained [we had not yet fired a shot] they said they did not care about us shooting the groundhogs but did not want that guy with the assault rifle out there [the AR] . The trooper said we would have to put the AR up , the farmer came up and told the Trooper to leave that we had permission to shoot , he had 200 acres and the homeowner had 1/4 acre . The trooper left . We also left so as not to create trouble , as a side note the Trooper came back and asked if he could hunt the farmers property .

[This message has been edited by Mike Baugh (edited February 20, 2000).]
I traded a Mini14 for an AR15. The $$ differenc ehurt but:

AR15 is more reliable because better magazines are available

Parts for ARs are readily available but not for Mini14

AR15 are more accurate but I am not sure how much practical difference there is

Oleg "cornered rat" Volk (JPFO,NRA)
Glad that I don't live in a place run by effete Democrats, where pusillanimous citizens would be shocked at the sight of an AR, but would find a Mini unoffensive. What a bunch of silly crap!!!
I am not a fan of the ARs' dirty action and 7,000 parts. But...It is super accurate. Magazines are easier to find. Parts are easy to find. It is damn-near recoiless making for real quick follow-up shots.
I am a notorious AR basher. I had problems with my A2 service jammamatic rifle. But. Building one from various kits and scavanged parts is good clean fun. Go Bushmaster and get quality mags.
WalterGAII, out here in the PRK the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) does not allow the use of so called "assault rifles" on the land managed by them, which is "public" land. Since the BLM is a federal agency, I assume that their BS rules apply nationwide.