Ar-15 ammo question


I have a question about PPU 55gr SP ammo. Anyone have any idea how it stacks up against Gold Dot 55 gr? I know Gold Dots are bonded, but will the PPU do a good job for self defense? Any idea on penetration? I have some XM193 and Gold Dot 55 gr now, but found a sale on the PPU saving $3.00 a box over the Gold Dot. I have a 1:9 twist barrel.
I suppose it will make holes. Give this some thought: is your personal safety the best place to go cheap???
That's why I'm asking. Many say XM193 is all that's needed. I just thought this would be better at not much more cost. Planning to put in away as an emergency stash and would save $75 dollars over Gold Dots.
"Many say XM193 is all that's needed."

Not MY first choice for sure. Ain't no Geneva Convention restrictions at my house---I use varmint ammo(hollow points, ballistic tips, and such). FMJ is for when I want to shoot THROUGH something. Yeah, I know M-193 is claimed to be a "tumbler" but not if it only hits a little meat--punches a little hole right through arms and legs if it doesn't hit bone. I want a BIG HOLE even if the bullet only hits an ear.
I'd just note that Fackler reported that something like 25% of M193 and M855 failed to yaw (or yawed too late to make a difference). If M193 fails to yaw, it will not only just poke holes - but all that "penetrates less than common pistol rounds" goes out the window too.

For that reason, I'd rather have a magazine or two of premium defense ammo for realistic threats. If zombie apocalypse comes and all I've got is M193 left, then I guess I'll make do with 75%.
OP, all of the rounds you described are M193 type rounds. Bonded or not, you will probably have the same kind of penetration with either.

I've never noticed much difference between PPU 55 grain or the Gold Dot stuff.