Approximate price of new AR15?


New member
I'm looking to purchase a Bushmaster Shorty model with a removable handle without a muzzle brake. I saw a Shorty with a fixed handle at a gun show in Texas last weekend for $849 NIB? Is this a good price, or will I be able to find a better deal elsewhere? I found only one other comparable model, so I couldn't compare prices very well. A local dealer sells them at a starting price of $1100. I'm not interested in building my own, so I'll need to buy the complete rifle.
Also, what's the best place to buy this rifle? At a gun show, a dealer, mail order?

Thanks for any help
I recomend you take the money you've set asside for an AR and instead get a Daewo DR-200. It's like an M16, but you can fire off a few magazines before needing to clear a jam. They're hard to find, but well worth the search. Failing that, there's a few Kalashniclones out there you can find chambered in 5.56 and 7.62NATO. With the money you'll same buying the non AR, you can customize your new autoloader to suite your needs more presicely.
$849 is not bad, but you can probably do a little better. One Texas dealer - - has a Shorty for $799, but he is out of stock.

By the way, did you see any Armalite carbines at the gun show? That is what I am trying to find.
Joe the Redneck does not flame, no harm is ment. But I fear CDL had been hurt by reading too many gun mags. Joe the Redneck only wishes to help.

There is noting wrong w/ the AR15. The Johnson/Stoner system is a wonderful action that requires no more care than any weapon deserves. No, you cannot give it to a bunch of tribesmen from the tropical rain forests, who think there is no more reason to clean a rifle than clean a shovel, and get good results. People who do not respect their weapons have no one to blame but themselves when they end up splattered. The early problems in the AR program were caused by the ammo. That was over 30 years ago. Time to let it go. Why would we use them if it was such a POS?

AKs are like spears. They will send a projo downrange, somewhere. Given enough ammo, they will get the job done. That's was the Soviet model. Lots of guys, lots of bullets. The AK just is not as accurate as the AR. The ergonomics of the AK are pitiful compared to the AR. An AR come right to your shoulder. AK crunch you, unless you are below average height. Felt recoil, though not much with either one, is much less noticable with the AR. Not to mention the quality know as "feel." Sorry, can't define it, but if you know weapons, you know what I mean. The AR is just a better weapon all around. It won't jam. You will have good results.

I have 2 AKs (7.62x39 + 5.45x39) and a Bushmaster "Shorty AK". The Bushmaster is the best, without question. If you get an AK, get it in one of the original calibers. I've seen Chicom 5.56 that were jammers. The AK is good for what it is, don't try to turn it into a long range rifle. It isn't. They're great 100m hip shooters.

As for the Daewo, they may be good. They look good on paper. Some Daewo pistols do not have a good reputation. If the rifle breaks, I have no clue where you would get replacement parts.

I paid $900 for my Bushmaster. I like the muzzle break. If you can, wait till after the year. Once the world doesn't end, I think a lot will be on the market.

Whatever choice you make, get the facts. Try the guns before you buy. Don't take anyone's word for it. Including mine.
Most gun shows had AR 15s for $725 or so about ten months ago. I haven't seen one for less that $850 (and mostly a great deal above that) lately down here in Florida. My guess is they will come down some after New Years. Add $50 or so if you want an A3 version (removable carry handle).

I agree with you about the muzzle break. I haven't heard anything good about them, and lots of bad.
NIB Bushmaster shorty for $695.00 in of all places - CALIFORNIA! Last weekend at the gun show in Frisco at the Cow Palace...go figure!

"Daewo DR-200....They're hard to find,..."
And even HARDER to find parts for!
Pass on that one. Go AR15 and never look back. No other .223 semi touches the AR in the accuracy department.

Just one of the Good Guys
AR's are getting hard to find $850.00 is a decent price most anywhere right now. If you are not a Y2k guy I'd wait until after the first of the year as there are going to be a lot of AR's and AK's on the market at a discount price.

I own 3 AR's, 1 Daewoo, and 2 AK's, the AR's outshoot any of my other rifles and If you keep them fairly clean they don't have any problems.

One of my AK's is an SA-85M and it came from the factory with a 2 stage target trigger that breaks at 3.5 pounds and it will shoot about 1.5 to 2 MOA (this is the only SA-85M that I've seen that had a 2 stage trigger) which is great for an AK the.

The AR's will shoot 1 to 1.5 MOA most of the time with a tighter group on occasion.

The Daewoo will shoot 1.5 MOA on a good day.

Parts are easy to find for the AR's and the AK's but you are **** out of luck finding parts for the Daewoo.

If you have to buy a AR right now the price is OK if you are willing to buy it.

Also if you can find a AR-180 that is the rifle that I would buy if I were you and one was available. It has a gas rod like the Daewoo, dual recoil guide rods and springs, rotating locking lugs like the AR and a folding stock. It take the standard AR mag with a little modification. I had one of these a couple of years ago and it was my favorite rifle, very accurate even though it had a 1/12 twist barrel and it was very reliable. I sold it because I couldn't fine spare parts for it and now Armalite is making parts again, damn I wish I still had it.


If you're in the Dallas area, there's a dealer by the name of Bill Middleton who usually has Olympic Arms shorties for $679 or so at the Market Hall gun shows. The next show is Thanksgiving weekend.

I bought my Oly from him, and I've had no problems whatsoever. The thing is, they all come with the set-screw muzzle brake.

If you absolutely can't find a good deal anywhere locally, you might check out Jersey City Armory to see what they have in stock. They are usually pretty reasonable on their prices, and they'll deliver to an FFL of your choice.


You could find a complete lower (frequently advertised on , and get an upper to complete the package.

Both Active Arms ( ) and Rock River Arms ( ) sell complete and stripped PWA lowers, and Jersey City Armory sells complete Bushmaster lowers. You can find an upper just about anywhere.


I saw an AR-180 (Sterling) for sale on the other day, if you're in the market. Only $950 or so....
The removable handle alone costs around $90. I wouldn't run around all over the country trying to save $50 or $60 bucks. If you want the A-3 with a carrying handle, for $849, that's not a bad price. If the handle's not included, then it's just a price.

I looked at The Daewoo. They look like junk to me. I've never had a failure with 4000 rounds or so fired through my Bush Shorty. I can shoot .5" groups with my handloads and Bergers.

Shoot to kill; they'll stop when they're dead!
My BM Shorty w/muzzle brake was $808 NIB last month. I thought I got a great price, as all the shops seem to have theirs above $1,000. So grab up the one for $849, in my opinion.


Nehemiah 4:18 " ... and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked."
Daewoo junk? That's putting it rather politely :) I would go for something a bit stronger, but one man's trash is another man's treasure. Personally, I wouldn't throw my money away on a Daewoo. Better to pick up a BM. Much more versatile and standard parts.
Note on AR-15/M16. Having spent sometime in the armed forces (3 years ago), I can say, without a doubt, I do NOT like an AR-15/M16. They were complete garbage 30 years ago, now they are complete garbage. Expensive garbage too. I took VERY good care of my M16. (Come on, Sarge LOVED to inspect our rifles, he loved it) and ours were imacculate. When they work, they are definitely more accurate than an AK, but an AK ALWAYS fires, an AR really doesn't seem to work well under stress.
Sorry but a guy with an AK is much much better off. The AR guy will never shoot the AK guy, 'cause his gun will never fire. Our M16s would fail to fire after a day of marching with them consistantly.(ie JUST walking, no crawling through dirt, simply walking down a trail) On any field exercises, I could count on several misfeeds, jams, and/or failure to fire.
If your heart is set one, make yourself happy. If you want a firearm you will simply shoot at from the range, it'll be fine. If you want it for a real combat weapon, find a better rifle, it's very easy to find a better rifle.
KY-Midnight, your comments are the most negative I have seen about current AR's. Just out of curiosity, who manufactured your M16's (Colt, I assume?), what model(s) were they, and do you know how old they were? Thanks.
Quick poll here. How many INFANTRYMEN here think the AR is god's gift to all squads. The action of the AR blows propellant directly back into the action. The bolt cycles against the inside of the receiver. Keep it clean...No ****. We did. It wasn't enough. The number one important aspect of an assault rifle is reliability. Yeah, assault rifle. Not Scout Rifle, not target rifle, assault rifle. Something you have to roll through the mud with.
I don't care if it's an A an A1, A3,whatever. They all use the same action. It's a bad action. If you want to pontificate about acuracy all day, go get an M40 or M21. An ASSAULT RIFLE isn't a spiper rifle. It's designed to fire bursts. Reason being, enemy grunts don't stand motionless while you adjust your windage in the shade of your SUV. They're trying to ice you.
Most of you guys sound like WW1 generals who thought "Well-aimed shots from our bolt action rifles can overcome the superior firepower of Jerry's maxim's."
The first 4 years I spent in the Marine Corps was in a infantry Bn. After getting out you couldn't GIVE me an AR15! The ones we used were Colts (I think) and they weren't very reliable under field conditions.

You have to keep it dry in desert terrain or dirt/sand/dust particles WILL cause a jam (all it seems to take is one :( ).

In forest, jungle terrain you have to keep a good coating of CLP or it WILL rust before your eyes.

I've been out for several years now and I just bought my 1st AR15 (a 2nd is on the way).

As far as an accurate, controllable, FAIRLY RELIABLE semi-auto rifle it's one of the best around.
The bolt is too tight and will cause jams if anything gets in there.

It's not perfect but ... :)

[This message has been edited by Snapsho7 (edited November 27, 1999).]
Thanks for the reply. Well spoken. The bolt is to light. Carrier to. Remember the mickeymouse rags? With the little parts siluettes so we wouldn't lose any? If you need such a parts-tracker, the thing has to many parts. Field stripping and cleaning with incomming rounds buzzing by? No thank you.
I am judging the AR by the overall design mechanics and especialy by what I experienced with my "service rifle". And that's how a military arms should be judged. By the issue copies in the hands of the operators. I don't care if a custom civie hummvee is the best vehicle in the world, if the ones in the field won't start/fall apart.
By now you can all tell that I am indeed, my own biggest fan. But regardless of my opinion on Stoner's toy, I'm just glad you guys out there have rifles in the first place.It's important that you own and maintain personle weapons.We should imulate the Israeli and Swiss models of an armed and trained citezenry being a tangible back-up to the mainforce units.
Good to hear from another 0311! SimperFidellis
May the poll continue.
Jeff, your comment

"KY-Midnight, your comments are the most negative I have seen about current AR's".

You should see what Col Hackworth has to say about the design!

CDF, I agree, all I seem to hear is accuracy, accuracy, accuracy, if you want accurate buy a damn bolt action in 6mmPPC [its even based on a damn commie cartridge and its the most accurate of all] I have read a number of field studies that say aimed fire showed no increase in battle field casualties than area fire, obviously this did not include sniper fire. Based on this would it not be reliablilty as number one,durability, field maintenace, and so on, with accuracy being down the list and not at the top?

Forget this bickering, shoot 7.62x51!

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited November 28, 1999).]
Most of us who buy and enjoy our AR's don't buy them with the idea that we'll be marching off to battle. I probably would agree with the negative posts, if I were contemplating a battle. The most ferocious adversaries that I face with my AR are crows and coyotes.

For those of you contemplating battle, maybe you ought to buy something other than the AR. For those of you wishing to have lots of fun with an accurate, semi-auto that's easy to work on, for which parts are readily-available and inexpensive, then give Bushmaster a shot.

For those of you in need of a fair-to-middling boat anchor, buy a Mini.
WalterGAII. That about says it. The M16 series seems to me more of a police weapon than a DoD issue weapon. Especialy loaded up with some variety of TAP Urban...wich is identicle to some hunting rounds I think. Anyone know wich ones?
Oberkommando. No, Hackworth sure didn't like it. Although I do know a certain TFL moderator who is fond of the weapon. But then again, that certain moderator didn't stay regular Army 11-B very long, so the tool he was greasing cartellis with was a specialy tuned and pampered shorty.
Why can't I spell worth ****?
I agree - the AR is a better police rifle than a battle rifle. This Moderator happens to LOVE the AR design... But should I again be faced with life in the field and on the line - I would rather have a good AK.
Hell - If I am dreaming (nightmare) here - I would have to opt for a new HK rifle... Which type - doesnt matter.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey, have I mentioned my new book? It is called:

[This message has been edited by George Hill (edited December 01, 1999).]