Appropriate caliber for sasquatch defense

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New member
I was told by an expert that when searching for bigfoots, a good rule of thumb is that any habitat that will support a black bear could support a bigfoot or two.

It may be tempting to think that the same rule would apply when considering a firearm (ie., any firearm that will defend against a black bear would work on a sasquatch). The truth is, however, that sasquatches are much bigger than black bears. They are really closer in size to a brown bear (probably around 600-900 lbs).

However, a quadruped's vital organs might be generally harder to reach than a biped's. Walking upright tends to expose the torso more. So, my theory would tend to be that any firearm sufficient for defense against brown bear would probably be sufficient or overkill for sasquatch.

... except for the numerous reports I've heard of people shooting and hitting a sasquatch but failing to drop it. Granted, in most if not all of those cases, the people were using a deer or black bear caliber and the bigfoot ran off, so one could argue that those firearms were effective in their defense role, though they would not be sufficient for hunting. This, however, would be counting on a sasquatch being less aggressive and more likely to retreat when wounded than a bear - a possibly dangerous assumption.

So, I think I'm back to my running theory that brown bear firearms are probably sufficient for bigfoot (possibly overkill when considering the biped factor, but possibly not considering sasquatches' known toughness against deer calibers, erring on the side of overkill, being better than underkill).

Any opinions? Thanks in advance.
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