Appreciation Thread for Fellow Revolver Users


New member
Hey everyone! I hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day weekend with their friends and family.

I wanted to start a thread to show my appreciation for you participants of this revolver forum. Over the past 10+ years you guys have been invaluable to my learning about the particulars of revolvers, firearms, ammunition, and the safe practice of this wonderful sport/hobby we all enjoy.

You guys have never failed to provide insightful opinions and suggestions to many of my questions specifically, and countless others from the various users on this forum. I have learned a ton about single action and double action revolvers and you guys have helped me make countless decisions in acquiring these fantastic tools we all love and enjoy.

I really look forward to perusing these threads every couple days, and I will continue to do so for many years to come! Cheers!
Revolvers are just cool. I started with revolvers and slipped into autos with a bunch of 1911's during the early IPSC days.

After a brief affair with issued (mandatory carry) Glocks, in returning to my roots by carrying a 1911 (actually a Series 70 Colt Wilson Master Grade) as a duty gun...

But, quite often, a 3" S&W 65 or Ruger Speed Six off duty.
I've always been fascinated with revolvers: "If it's round, it's sound" has always been my motto. You know you're a revolver guy when you load up your 5-disc carousel CD player and can't help but think of your J-Frame every time. :cool:
I've had a yen for Smith and Ruger revolvers since the early '60's...can't begin to tell you how much that "yen" has cost me over the here's my take after all that expensive experience: at slow fire, thumb cocking a revolver, I'm more accurate by far with a sixgun but at speed, I'm more accurate by the same amount with a good auto.

And before you say, "you need more practice" be assured that I've spent a great deal of time with DA fire with my Smiths learning the secrets of DA usage. I've had a home/farm range for 30+ years now, just outside my back door and shoot each day: plenty of practice, 300+ days a year in fact.

The reason, as I see it, boils down to this: with an auto of most any sort, (Sigs, 1911's, hell even the 2x4 shaped Glock grip, I can retain a uniform firing grip, from shot to shot. With a revolver in DA mode, the gun just moves around just too much and that, my friends, equates to larger groups; while those groups are OK for defensive fire out to 20-25 yds, they ARE slower and larger than my autos. YMMV, Rod

While I respect your experiences with revolvers in DA shooting, and I can say
I've had the same problem from time to time, I think the answer is in grip/stock fit.

Most as issued Smith grips, particularly the traditional wood ones, often
leave shooters wanting in the DA department.

The K and L frame revolvers as are the Ruger GP 100s and Colt I frames
have been ideal for me especially with Goodyears though I don't like
like looks of them. I find the wood grips almost universally
poor choices for me. Hogue's wooden grip on the Ruger Match Champion
is one design I really like.
1960s Colts Trooper. 38

I inherited a 1960s .38 Colts Trooper. Ithe has never been shot except at the factory. I have the target, it was included. Can anyone give me advice regarding this pistol? Is it collectable?
Anything revolver with S&W or Colt on it is very interesting. Wish I had bought more by Colt but I'd rather shoot the S&Ws.
I too appreciate the revolver wisdom on this forum. While my revolver collection is small it grew by 2 just this week. Nothing exotic, just a Rossi 357 snubbie and a 3" Ruger SP101.







Just yesterday I acquired a Smith model 66-2 to remind me of my beginning days at a PD ( mod. 19 paid $82.57 in 1963) also have as yet to pick up a mod. 64 that is waiting at my ffl's shop pending my return home. Buddy gave me a like new Single Six in .32 mag last week, life is good.
Wheel-Gunner,---Thanks for the nice sentiments--be assured that we all here feel the same way towards you-you are a good person. You know in the back of my mind I guess that I have always felt that revolvers are "real" guns and that all the "autos" even tho some are cute, and interesting, and some---unique in design, and most all boast a large amount of fire power and capacity---still in the real world will never over shadow "THE REVOLVER'
My first handgun was a High Standard .22 revolver. I carried it Coon hunting for many years, I could pop a coon in the head in the top of a tree pretty easy back then. My next hand gun was a S&W model 39, great little semi and I could shoot the heck out of it. I shot a coyote in the head once at 65 yards, of course it was a lucky shot but the pistol did its job. But being poor and a Reloader, I got tired of losing brass and back then you just couldn't scoop a ton of free 9mm brass. So I traded it for a Ruger BH .41mag, now that was quite a different animal for me. Kept that for about a year and just never could love it, so I sold it and bought my Model 57. This was in the early 80's, up until about five years ago that was the only handgun I needed. Then I started picking up a few more just for fun, got back into loading and have also added several 9mm semi's to the mix. But, I'm still a revolver guy at heart and immensely enjoy shooting them. For me the semi's are more of a tool, but the revolvers are a passion.