Appleseed (Rifle Clinic) SE Pa (Around Doylestown)


Appleseed September 9 & 10, 2006 Wicen’s Range, Furlong PA

Are you a cook? Or a RIFLEMAN?

Can you keep all shots, using surplus ammunition and stock rifles in 4 MOA to 400 yards from unsupported prone? 100 Offhand, 200 sitting?

Do you want too? Could be fun!
The Revolutionary War Veterans Association ( was formed as a group of friends interested in preserving and passing on the heritage of rifle marksmanship that is the birthright of all Americans.
Together, we are learning, sharing and preserving the basic skills that, when practiced diligently, lead to safe and accurate rifle use at distances of 500 yards, or more.
Secondly, we are members of the Nation of Riflemen ...
Riflemen stood at Lexington and Concord, repelling the ambitions of a tyrannical government that wished to strip them of their defenses and subjugate them to the will of the King.
At Bunker Hill, Gettysburg, the Marne, the Battle of the Bulge, Pork Chop Hill and other places, remembered or forgotten, iron-willed Riflemen made a stand in the name of Liberty.
That spirit, that dedication to the preservation of Liberty binds all who stand together in its cause as a nation - the Nation of Riflemen.
Join us -
If you are interested in learning to shoot a rifle accurately and you are willing to persist until you do we have experienced shooters who can help.
Our members will teach you and promote your development in the skill of military-style rifle shooting and help you discover the importance of marksmanship in the history of our great nation.
Take YOUR place among us - help preserve and sustain our heritage and, as others have done before us, pass this great nation on to those who follow in our steps
RWVA is launching a nationwide effort to rebuild America as a Nation of Riflemen. Instead of Apple trees, the goal is to plant the Spirit of the Rifleman. It is time once again to sow the seeds of the Tree of Liberty in every town, village and city of America. This is our new Appleseed program. And there is a stop in Southeastern Pennsylvania On September 9 & 10, 2006!
We'll help each other gain the skills and equipment needed to defend our country, if the need arises. With your help, we'll spread the American tradition of practical rifle marksmanship across our great land. We'll work together to find or create the facilities and resources to allow every able and willing citizen to learn to shoot a rifle safely and well close to home.
We will establish again what once stood as the primary protection of our unalienable liberties. Once again, trained citizens will stand ready in every city, town and village across America, equipped and trained to defend their homes, their families and their communities against those who would take away our birthrights.
Check out this link for 11 Common Appleseed Misperceptions!

If you are wondering what equipment to bring read this post! For RifleWoman's version of what to bring check out this post!

To pre-register

Go to Fred's or here ( to get the pre-registration form.

Make your checks payable to RWVA and send them with the registration form to P.O. Box 756, Ramseur, NC 27316.

If you desire confirmation of your registration, please send along a SASE!

Time: 9/9 (8:30 till 5 PM); 9/10 (9:00 till 5PM)

Wicen's Shooting Range
3179 Mozart Road
Furlong, PA 18925

SE Penna (south of Doylestown, west of New Hope, North of Newtown, NE of Philadelphia, etc)

Per the landowner, a business, this event is LIMITED to 45 shooters at the present time.

Registration is via usual method, at and is strongly recommended due to limit on number of shooters!

Hope to see you there!

Click here ( for more Information.
Last edited:
This is the last week before this Appleseed event (which BTW: is also happening simultaneously in Va)

I see little or no interest in this so far.

If you are planning on taking advantage of this 'clinic', at less than $6.00 per hour, please post. I'll take registrations at the door up until the max participation is met.
