Appleseed Information Central!


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Appleseed Information Central!

The folks at the Revolutionary War Veterans Association, want to provide you with some one-stop shopping for your Appleseed Shoot information.

"April 19th, 1775....Where Marksmanship met History....and a Heritage began....!"

Would you like to learn where the American Rifleman Heritage began, and how?

Isaac Davis and John Parker were there.....They want to pass on the Tradition of American Marksmanship to you!....Come out and learn why these men are important to your Rifleman Heritage and what they have to teach you.

Ever want to learn what it takes to be accurate with your rifle out to 500 yards?

The Appleseed Shoots answer all of these questions, and this area of The Firing Line will answer your questions about the Appleseed Shoots.

We will maintain a current Appleseed Tour Schedule here as well as field your questions about the Appleseed Shoots and Appleseed Project. You are invited to post your questions in this forum, and the representatives of the Appleseed Project will answer them or you are welcome to PM us with your questions.

This is a service of the folks that bring you the Appleseed Shoots, so please, do not direct your Appleseed questions/comments to the Administration of The Firing Line.

Our goal is to make it easy for you to get specific and general information about the Appleseed Shoots and to provide you with a current schedule of our nationwide Appleseed Tour.

We are adding Appleseed Shoot locations and dates all the time, so keep an eye on our Schedule, and we are always looking for new locations, so feel free to forward your clubs/range information to us.

There is a lot of information and answers on the Appleseed Web Site, come and visit, if you have further questions, feel free to ask here.

Appleseed Shoots travel very well!

We have over 63 shoots on the schedule for 2008, nation wide so far, with over 100 being the goal for 2008.

We are always looking for new places to take the Appleseed Project to, if you want to save some gas money, then set one up at your home range or on your farm.

Appleseed Shoots are often done on private property, with a good natural backstop.

25 meters is all that is needed longer ranges are nice, but the bulk of the course is at 25 meters, with reduced size targets to simulate 100-500 yards.

PM me if you would like more details on hosting or if you have questions about the Appleseed Project.

BTW....Have I mentioned that Kids under 21 and all Military shoot FREE at Appleseed Shoots? ;)
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2008 Appleseed Schedule — Information and Registration

Davilla, TX - Jan 5-6 Click After Action Report
Boulder City, NV (Las Vegas) - Jan. 19-20 Click After Action Report
Forest, MS POSTPONED, while we search for a replacement range...Coming to Jackson, MS SOON!!

Myakka, FL - Feb 2-3 Click After Action Report
Davilla, TX - Feb 9-10 Click After Action Report
Kingsport, TN - Feb. 16-17 Click info or register
Ramseur, NC - Feb 23-24 (has RBC prior) Click info or register

Hinesville, GA - March 1-2 Click info or register
Corona, CA - March 8-9 Click info or register
Sallisaw, OK- March 8-9 Click info or register
Ft. Myers, FL - March 8-9 SOLD OUT
Fallon, NV - March 15-16 Click info or register
Davilla, TX - March 15-16 Click info or register
Toccoa, GA - March 29-30 Click info or register

Puryear, TN - April 5-6 Click info or register
East Wenatchee, WA - April 5-6 Click info or register
Grandfield, OK - April 12-13 Click info or register
Searsboro, Iowa - Apr 19-20 Click info or register
Lexington, KY - Apr 19-20 Click info or register
Harvard, MA - Apr 19-20 Click info or register
Freedom, Indiana - Apr 19-20 Click info or register
Lexington, Indiana - Apr 19-20 Click info or register
Ramseur, NC - Apr 19-20 Click info or register
Piru, CA - Apr 19-20 Click info or register
Ottawa, IL - Apr 19-20 Click info or register
Canon City, CO - Apr 19-20 Click info or register
Pensacola, Florida - Apr 19-20 Click info or register
Myakka, FL - April 19-20 Click info or register
Davilla, TX - Apr 19-20 Click info or register
Nephi, UT - Apr 19-20 Click info or register
Proctor, VT - Apr 26-27 (has a RBC prior) Click info or register

Three Forks, MT - May 3-4 (has a boot camp prior) Click info or register
Ridgecrest, CA - May 3-4 Click info or register
Davilla, TX - May 10-11 Click info or register
Cedar City, UT - May 17-18 Click info or register
Athens, OH - May 24-25 Click info or register
Shiocton, WI - May 24-25 Click info or register
Van Etten, NY - May 24-25 Click info or register
Mechanicsville, VA - May 24-25 Click info or register
Kemmerer, WY - May 31-June 1 Click info or register
Bloomington, IL - May 31-June 1 Click info or register

Newcastle, WY - June 7-8 Click info or register
Canton/Minerva Ohio - June 7-8 Click info or register
Yakima, WA - June 7-8 Click info or register
Davilla, TX - June 14-15 Click info or register
Searsboro, Iowa - June 14-15 Click info or register
Vale, Oregon - June 21-22 Click info or register

Ramseur, NC #2 - July 4-6 (special 3 day event) (has RBC prior) Click info or register
Throop, NY - July 12-13 Click info or register
Jericho, VT - July 19-20 Click info or register

Kemmerer, WY - Aug 2-3 (RBC prior) Click info or register
Davilla, TX - Aug 16-17 Click info or register
Ramseur, NC #3 - Aug 30-31 (has RBC prior) Click info or register

Ottawa, IL - Sept 6-7 Click info or register
Puryear, TN #2 - Sept 13-14 Click info or register
Davilla, TX - Sept 20-21 Click info or register
Proctor, VT #2 - Sept 27-28 Click info or register

Hinesville, GA #2 - Oct. 4-5 Click info or register
Boulder City, NV #2 - Oct 11-12 Click info or register
Yakima, WA - Oct 18-19 Click info or register
Davilla, TX - Oct 18-19 Click info or register
Osage Beach, MO - Oct 25-26 (has RBC prior) Click info or register

Fallon, NV #2 - Nov 1-2 Click info or register
Myakka, FL - Nov 1-2 Click info or register
Davilla, TX - Nov 8-9 Click info or register
Toccoa, GA - Nov 8-9 Click info or register
Mechanicsville, VA - Nov 22-23 Click info or register

Davilla, TX - Dec 6-7 Click info or register
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Information to help you prepare for an Appleseed Shoot


You have registered for an Appleseed Shoot, as presented by the Revolutionary War Veterans Association. This event is very informative and exciting, the amount of information and skills you will be instructed on will be extensive. The more prepared you are for this event, the more you will be able to get out of it and the more you will enjoy it. This page is intended to better prepare you for what you are going to experience and to better inform you about what to expect.


Appleseed shoots are about instilling skills and knowledge to the shooter, not a focus on gear or equipment, however, our experience has shown that with some preparation, you can benefit from your first Appleseed like a pro. Regardless of what you bring, we will teach you skills to help you shoot much better and these skills will transfer to any rifle, so while some of the suggestions below may not be available to you, they are provided for your information and use as you see fit.

Sling: You will be taught to properly use a sling to support and stabilize your rifle, to enable you to make more accurate shots. We HIGHLY RECOMMEND an USGI web sling like this one . Please note how it is rigged and also this is a 1 1/4 inch sling, so you will need 1 1/4 inch sling swivels.

Rifle: While you can learn shooting skills with any rifle, and we are happy to instruct you with which ever safe operating rifle you bring, you will find that some rifles will make your learning process easier and quicker, as well as allowing a fuller experience of all that an Appleseed has to offer. The Appleseed course is conducted at 25 meters (28 yards) and is designed to take advantage of semi-auto, magazine fed rifles. This being said, many people have shot at Appleseed Shoots with bolt action rifles and gained valuable skills and instruction.

You can plan on shooting @200-250 rounds per day at an Appleseed shoot, and with the cost of center fire ammo as it is, and the bulk of the course at 25 meters, many folks have experienced that using a 22 rim fire rifle is a great way to learn skills without a large investment in ammo. Whichever rifle you elect to bring (we recommend a backup rifle, to ensure you can complete the course if your primary rifle malfunctions) please ensure the following: 1) you understand how to safely operate your rifle. Be able to load it, unload it, lock the bolt in the open position (if capable) how to engage the safety. 2) Have the rifle zeroed so that point of bullet impact is the same as point of aim at 25 meters, this will be a good starting point for your sights, and we will be able to adjust them as needed as your skills and knowledge improve. You will be expected to understand how to adjust your sights and have any tools required to do so. Here is some information about rifle selection and Appleseed Shoots

Liberty Training Rifle: The Ruger 10/22, with Tech-Sights and some other minor modifications make great Appleseed trainer rifles, we call them LTRs. Following will be some links to discussion of various modifications, 'how-to" information and optional ideas. The basic Ruger LTR consists of the Tech-Sights and sling swivels. Many folks include extended magazine release and bolt auto close. For the cost of 400-500 rounds of center fire ammo, you can purchase a Ruger 10/22 and install the Tech-Sights and sling swivels, giving you a great rifle to continue improving your marksmanship skills and to loan to others to learn with as well.

LTR Links:

Accessories: Here is a great list of items to bring with you to an Appleseed Shoot, keep in mind that this is two full days of shooting and learning, so preparing in advance will make your experience more productive and comfortable.

Shooter Preparation:

There are some items and actions that you will find to prepare you as the shooter/student, that will greatly enhance your experience and learning at an Appleseed Shoot. We want you to take full advantage of your time on the firing line and the quality instruction that will be available to you. Below are some suggestions that you will help you be better prepared:

Fred's Guide to Becoming a Rifleman: This guide contains a great deal of information that will be covered at the Appleseed Shoot and will give you an opportunity to practice and learn prior to the Appleseed, and to review and continue to learn (and pass on these skills) after the Appleseed Shoot. You can get it here, with some AQT targets Be sure to tell them that Appleseed sent you.

While you are waiting for your guide, you can check out these links for helpful information: "How to prepare" "The real poop on what to bring to an Appleseed" "11 Misconceptions about Appleseed" "The Rifleman Series, from Fred's"

Take in as much information as you can prior to showing up for your Appleseed Shoot. You will find the more time you put into getting prepared, you will gain that much or more out of the course.

One last item, you will be shooting from standing, sitting and prone positions. If you don't shoot from these positions often, you will find them uncomfortable at first and your body will protest some to the new positions. You will do yourself ( and your muscles) a huge favor by getting into the positions for several minutes each day, leading up to your Appleseed Shoot. Some good information and PDF links that contain useful information.

The COF is attached below. It is a rough guideline, and there have been some updates to the Appleseed COF, but this will give you a very good idea of the shooting you will be doing.

Enjoy your Appleseed and prepare to learn.


I have the property with natural backstop.
how many shooters would you need to come out to NW kansas?

The better question to ask is how many shooters can we fit on your firing line, at 4 feet per shooter? If we can get over 20, something closer to 40, that would be ideal.

All we need is 25 meters/82 feet, but if we have a longer range, say out to 300 yards or more, that is a bonus.

We will promote the shoot and get the shooters to come out if you provide the property/location. We don't expect folks to drum up a certain number of shooters before we come out, we will help in that department.

Since this will be the first shoot in Kansas and the first in that location, we will do what it takes to make it happen.

PM me with an email address, and I will send you a "Host Packet" that will have more information, my contact information and we will work out the details. If we have 60 days notice, we can get the shoot in Shot Gun News and really stress that fact that this is the first Appleseed in Kansas. I have had a good reply from some folks on the East/Central part of the state, but nothing set up yet.

I look forward to working with you!
Oklahoma/North Texas Appleseed at World Class Facility!

Hey All,

The Appleseed Shoot in Grandfield, Oklahoma, April 12-13 is at the World Class, BadLands Tactical Training Facility Badlands Tactical Web Site

This is a great place to experience an Appleseed and to have the opportunity to apply what you learn at actual distance.

We have the entire facility, including the 400-1000 yard range, with steel targets, ain't nothing better than hearing steel ring from 500 yards away!!

While this event will use the standard Appleseed course, with the great facility, there is no doubt that this two day Appleseed will have more actual distance than most of the other Appleseeds.

There is free camping on site, and there is a dorm house available very inexpensively. There is room here for hundreds of shooters, sure would be fun to make this the biggest Appleseed yet We start to get big numbers, we can try to stick around for an extra day of shooting

Folks, this will be the cheapest way to get on to this great facility and a great opportunity to get some actual distance shooting experience.

Be sure to pre-register for this event, so we can ensure enough Instructors to fully take advantage of this facility! Appleseed Information and Registration
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Looks like the Appleseed Tour is starting to ramp up, leading to the April 19th Patriot's Day Weekend, with 13 Appleseeds nation wide!

The next few months will see the crew at Appleseed being very busy with many shoots around the country, March-April-May are some busy months for Appleseed.

Take a look at the schedule, see where the Appleseed closest to you is and come on out.
14 Appleseeds Nation Wide on April 19th-20th

Hey All,

There is going to be 14 Appleseed Shoots nation wide to commemorate and honor the day that this nation was born, the day that "the shot was heard around the world!".

Here are the locations of these shoots:

Searsboro, Iowa - Apr 19-20 Click info or register
Harvard, MA - Apr 19-20 Click info or register
Freedom, Indiana - Apr 19-20 Click info or register
Lexington, Indiana - Apr 19-20 Click info or register
Ramseur, NC - Apr 19-20 Click info or register
Piru, CA - Apr 19-20 Click info or register
Tonapah, AZ - Apr 19-20 Click info or register
Ottawa, IL - Apr 19-20 Click info or SOLD OUT
Canon City, CO - Apr 19-20 Click info or register
Pensacola, Florida - Apr 19-20 Click info or register
Myakka, FL - April 19-20 Click info or register
Davilla, TX - Apr 19-20 Click info or register
Nephi, UT - Apr 19-20 Click info or register
Toccoa, GA - April 19-20 Click info or register

These will be some fun and festive events, with over 500 people on Appleseed firing lines on the same weekend, NATION WIDE.

Come on out and join in this Historic event on a Historical, fateful day!
Just 5 more days to the April 19th Commemoration of the "day the shot was heard around the world"!

Don't miss out on being on the firing line with over 500 others, on 14 different ranges nation wide.

Come on out, hear of the first American Riflemen and what they sacrified for your Liberties, and learn the marksmanship skills that they would have taught you, had you been on their firing lines.
2009 Appleseed Schedule!

Welcome to the 2009 Appleseed schedule!

New dates and locations are being added all the time.

The current and complete schedule is at: Information and Schedule

2009 Schedule

Ramseur, NC—January 3 & 4 Info or Register
Myakka, FL—January 10 & 11 Info or Register
Davilla, TX—January 10 & 11 Info or Register
Boulder City, NV —January 17 & 18 Info or Register
Piru, CA—January 17 & 18 Info or Register
El Paso, TX—January 17& 18 Info or Register
Sacramento, CA—January 17& 18 Info or Register
Hernando County, FL —January 31 & Feb 1 Info or Register

Athol, MA—Feb 7 & 8 Info or Register
Piru, CA—Feb 21& 22 Info or Register
Midland, TX—Feb 21& 22 Info or Register
Myakka, FL—Feb 21& 22 Info or Register
El Paso, Comm. College, El Paso, TX —Feb 21 &22 Info or Register
Yanceyville, NC —Feb 28 & March 1 Info or Register
Ramseur, NC—Feb 28 & March 1 Info or Register
Santa Barbara, CA—Feb 28 & March 1 Info or Register
Davilla, TX—Feb 28 & March 1 Info or Register

Canton, MS—March 7& 8 Info or Register
Corona, CA—March 7& 8 Info or Register
Piru, CA—March 7& 8 Info or Register
Hinesville, GA—March 7& 8 Info or Register
Boulder City, NV —March 14 & 15 Info or Register
Fresno, CA—March 14 & 15 Info or Register
Toccoa, GA —March 14 & 15 Info or Register
Davilla, TX—March 14 & 15 Info or Register
Ramseur, NC—March 21 & 22 Info or Register
Myakka, FL—March 28 & 29 Info or Register
Amarillo, TX (indoor range) —March 28 & 29 Info or Register

Allemans, PA—April 18 & 19 Info or Register
Amarillo, TX—April 18 & 19 Info or Register
Bennington, VT—April 18 & 19 Info or Register
Birmingham, AL—April 18 & 19 Info or Register
Castle Rock, WA—April 18 & 19 Info or Register
Corona, CA—April 18 & 19 Info or Register
Dulzura, CA—April 18 & 19 Info or Register
Davilla, TX—April 18 & 19 Info or Register
El Paso, TX—April 18 & 19 Info or Register
Havard, MA—April 18 & 19 Info or Register
Hernando County, FL —April 18 & 19 Info or Register
Kemmerer, WY—April 18 & 19 Info or Register
Kingsport, TN—April 18 & 19 Info or Register
Midland, TX—April 18 & 19 Info or Register
Myakka, FL—April 18 & 19 Info or Register
Osage Beach, MO—April 18 & 19 Info or Register
Ottawa, IL—April 18 & 19 Info or Register
Oxford, (Wichita) Kansas—April 18 & 19 Info or Register
Payson, AZ —April 18 & 19 Info or Register
Piru, CA—April 18 & 19 Info or Register
Puryear, TN—April 18 & 19 Info or Register
Ramseur, NC—April 18 & 19 Info or Register
Ridgecrest, CA—April 18 & 19 Info or Register
Winona, MN—April 18 & 19 Info or Register
Raton, NM (NRA Wittington Center)—April 18 & 19 Info or Register
Sacramento, CA—April 18 & 19 Info or Register
San Bernadino, CA—April 18 & 19 Info or Register
San Luis Obispo, CA —April 18 & 19 Info or Register
Santa Barbara, CA—April 18 & 19 Info or Register
Throop, NY—April 18 & 19 Info or Register
Yanceyville, NC—April 18 & 19 Info or Register
El Paso, Comm. College, El Paso, TX —April 25 & 26 Info or Register

Douglas, WY—May 2 & 3 Info or Register
Three Forks, MT—May 9 & 10 Info or Register
Davilla, TX—May 16 & 17 Info or Register
El Paso, TX—May 16 & 17 Info or Register
Ottawa, IL—May 23 - 25 (special 3 day event) Info or Register
Van Etten, NY—May 23 & 24 Info or Register
Piru, CA—May 23 & 24 Info or Register
Ramseur, NC—May 23-25 (special 3 day event) Info or Register
Bloomington, IL—May 30 & 31 Info or Register
Puryear, TN—May 30 & 31 Info or Register

Boulder, MT—June 6 & 7 Info or Register
Davilla, TX—June 6 & 7 Info or Register
Kemmerer, WY—June 6 & 7 Info or Register
Newcastle, WY—June 6 & 7 Info or Register
Castle Rock, WA—June 13 & 14 Info or Register
Toccoa, GA —June 13 & 14 Info or Register
Jackson, WY—June 13 & 14 Info or Register
Bennington, VT —June 20 & 21 Info or Register
Casper, WY —June 20 & 21 Info or Register
Ottawa, IL—June 20 & 21 Info or Register
Piru, CA—June 20 & 21 Info or Register
New Breman, NY—June 20 & 21 Info or Register
Ramseur, NC—June 20 & 21Info or Register
Osage Beach, MO—June 20 & 21 Info or Register
El Paso, Comm. College, El Paso, TX —June 27 & 28 Info or Register
Kemmerer, WY—June 27 & 28 Info or Register
Oxford, (Wichita) Kansas—June 27 & 28 Info or Register
Puryear, TN—June 27 & 28 Info or Register

Castle Rock, WA—July 4 & 5
Birmingham, AL—July 4 & 5
Davilla, TX—July 4 & 5
El Paso, Comm. College, El Paso, TX —July 4 & 5
Ottawa, IL—July 4 & 5
Ramseur, NC—July 4 & 5
Throop, NY—July 11 & 12
El Paso, Comm. College, El Paso, TX —July 18 & 19
Oxford, (Wichita) Kansas—July 18 & 19
Piru, CA—July 18 & 19
Puryear, TN—July 25 & 26

Ottawa, IL—Aug 1 & 2
Bennington, VT —August 15 & 16
Davilla, TX—August 15 & 16
El Paso, Comm. College, El Paso, TX —Aug 15 & 16
Oxford, (Wichita) Kansas—Aug 15 & 16
Van Etten, NY—August 22 & 23
Osage Beach, MO—August 22 & 23
Piru, CA—August 22& 23

Boulder, MT—Sept 5 & 6
Castle Rock, WA—Sept 5 & 6
Chillicothe, IL—Sept 5-7 (special 3 day event)
Douglas, WY—Sept 5 & 6
Ottawa, IL—Sept 5-7 (special 3 day event)
Puryear, TN—Sept 5-7 (special 3 day event)
Ramseur, NC—Sept 5-7 (special 3 day event)
Davilla, TX—Sept 12 & 13
El Paso, Comm. College, El Paso, TX —Sept 12 &13
New Breman, NY—Sept 12 & 13
Newcastle, WY—Sept 12 & 13
Amarillo, TX—Sept 19 & 20
El Paso, TX—Sept 19 & 20
Ottawa, IL—Sept 19 & 20
Oxford, (Wichita) Kansas—Sept 19 & 20
Piru, CA—Sept 19 & 20
Ramseur, NC—Sept 19 & 20

Hinesville, GA—Oct 3 & 4
Hernando County, FL —Oct 3 & 4
Canton, MS—Oct. 10 & 11
Birmingham, AL—Oct 10 & 11
Davilla, TX—Oct 10 & 11
El Paso, TX—Oct 17 & 18
Piru, CA—Oct 17 & 18
Ramseur, NC—Oct 17 & 18
El Paso, Comm. College, El Paso, TX —Oct 24 & 25
Myakka, FL—Oct 24 & 25
Ottawa, IL—Oct 24 & 25
Osage Beach, MO—Oct 24 & 25
Castle Rock, WA—Oct 31 & Nov 1

Hernando County, FL —Nov 7 & 8
Ottawa, IL—Nov 7 & 8
Davilla, TX—Nov 14 & 15
Piru, CA—Nov 14 & 15
Toccoa, GA —Nov 14 & 15
El Paso, TX—Nov 21 & 22
Midland, TX—Nov 21 & 22
Ramseur, NC—Nov 21 & 22
El Paso, Comm. College, El Paso, TX —Nov 28 & 29
Myakka, FL—Nov 28 & 29

Castle Rock, WA—Dec 12 & 13
Piru, CA—Dec 12 & 13
Myakka, FL—Dec 12 & 13
Ramseur, NC—Dec 12 & 13
Toccoa, GA —Dec 12 & 13
El Paso, TX—Dec 19 & 20
Davilla, TX—Dec 26 & 27
El Paso, Comm. College, El Paso, TX —Dec 26 & 27

Sign up with your friends and loved ones. Any safe firearm which can be accurately shot from the shoulder, from a .22lr to a .32 (8mm) is welcome at an Appleseed event. Semi-auto and bolt guns are welcome. Women, participants under 21 years old, active Military, Guard or Reserve attend free of charge.
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I would love to participate in this, but Davila TX is awfully far away from the Metroplex. Is there any likelihood of a shoot being conducted closer to DFW?
We are working on some locations for the Dallas area, but no solid dates yet.

If you have some contacts at ranges you would like to have Appleseed come to, just let us know. We are always looking for new locations and having someone on the "inside" helping the process usually makes it happen.

So, help us out, we will bring it to your back yard.

I hear ya.

A buddy & I shot an Appleseed in NOV2007 at Davilla. We drove down Friday and stayed at a hotel in Temple.

WELL worth the effort and we are planning attending another at Davilla (barring a closer location) in 2009. I think our experiences have talked my buddy's BIL into coming, too.

Note that the Davilla, TX, Appleseed is a 25m affair. Probably cheaper to buy and equip a Ruger 10/22 "Liberty Training Rifle" than buy several hundred rounds of centerfire ammo.

Liberty Training Rifle:

My Appleseed AAR is at THR:

My AAR at RWVA with their commentary:
Went to the Castle Rock, WA shoot couple weeks ago

My thanks to the shoot boss and all the instructors.

1) they were over the top OCD as far as safety goes, just the way I like it.

2) good instruction. Unfortunately, I'm not a good student or I have a limited number of good shots in a day. I had a higher score at the beginning than the end. Maybe. I could see how integrating the new stuff I learned could result in a lower score for a while, but ultimately my ceiling is going to be higher.

3) good people. There were a couple of teenagers on either side of me, one made rifleman. (His dad didn't, bragging rights for sure!) Both seemed like really great kids.

4) good history. There were some bad@ss old geezers on the road from Concord. "Unhappy it is though to reflect, that a Brother's Sword has been sheathed in a Brother's breast, and that, the once happy and peaceful plains of America are either to be drenched with Blood, or Inhabited by Slaves. Sad alternative! But can a virtuous Man hesitate in his choice?"

I'm going to practice what I've learned and return for some Sunday shoots. If I make rifleman, I'm going to treat myself to another rifle to try qualify again with. And so on...

Seriously, I recommend this program.
Before Appleseed:

I know this is an old post, but I just found the picture.

CNGB (Chief of the National Guard Bureau) match. Using the M16A1 w/sub cal device (22 rim fire).

Units in the state compete, the winning team is taken to Nashville (then the Headquarters of the NG MTU, to compete head to head with the other states and territories.

This is the 1st Scout team. Company A, 1st 297 Inf. out of Gambell, St Lawrence Island. Late 70s, '79 I believe.

I was a 1lt then, XO of the company. We placed 1st in the State of AK, I was the high individual. I forgot exactly where we placed nationaly but I do know it was the in the top 3rd.

I still have one of those sub cal devices. fun to play with.

I just shot my first Appleseed event back in June and have a few observations. Obviously, we have many members who have attended these events and will have observations of your own to add. We also have several shoot bosses and other volunteers who may want to chime in. I read as much as I could find online about how to prepare and what to bring. I thought I had all the bases covered but there are a few things that would have improved my experience and this advice may help others.

#1. Rifle - I shot it with a Ruger 10-22. Fast magazine changes (and/or reloading) are required as is "rifleman's cadence" shooting. The strings of fire are timed so a detachable-magazine semi-auto is nearly required if you want to qualify. If you are just there for learning fundamentals of marksmanship, anything would work. One magazine should be marked in some way since you'll need to load one with 2 rounds and another with 8. I just borrowed a sharpie at the range but I might mark them better for the next event.

#2. Trigger - Prior to the event, I installed a BX trigger which I love. I shopped around and found a killer price on it and it was really easy to install. If you can remove the stock and two pins (that virtually fall out) you can install this trigger. For the next event, I'll install an auto bolt release. It should be standard on the BX trigger group but it's not.

#3. Scope - I used a Leupold 4x scope which was a mixed blessing. I'm 44 but my eyes are still pretty good. I did not have it mounted nearly far forward enough for prone and especially the seated position. I moved it and re-sighted it during the event but it just won't go forward enough in the mounts I have. I struggled so much with the eye relief that I'm going to practice at home and shoot the next event with Tech sights.

#4. Sling - Without the correct sling, some of the instruction will be wasted on you and the shooting will be more difficult. Get the correct sling. My rifle has a Mannlicher stock and the front sling attachment does not swivel. I'll add a quick-release swivel for next time so that I can leave the sling on my arm between strings. (Once you shoot an event, you'll see what I mean.)

#5. Shooting mat and/or elbow pads. I took a shooting mat but still managed to turn my elbows into hamburger. Dirt accumulated on the mat and got ground into my elbows. I didn't complain and I don't think it hurt my shooting but they did take a while to heal and looked gross. A better mat, long sleeves and/or elbow pads seem a good idea.

#6. General thoughts. You'll need a chair (depending on the range), sack lunch, snacks, water, sun screen, bug spray and hat. A staple gun and pen or pencil will make changing and marking targets easier.

My best score was 209 which was only 1 point short of the required 210 and I will definitely be back. I don't drink Kool-Aid though and I do have some criticisms, however minor.

The event wasn't perfect. I love history and the lessons were great but could have been shorter. The pace of the history lessons was really slow and we could have had more time for shooting. We only shot the AQT three times and I fired somewhere around 200 rounds total. On Sunday, we couldn't shoot until after noon due to noise and neighbors. I arrived at 8:00 and all of the previous day's shooting instruction was re-covered as well as new history lessons. I would have appreciated being told that we wouldn't start shooting until after noon. I could have gone to church myself or just slept in. While I appreciated the additional instruction, they didn't have us practice it right then, right there. We could have spent much of that time doing dry-fire, mag-changes, and other drills. The instructors could have really worked one-on-one with us to correct position, NPOA, etc. and it felt like a missed opportunity.

Overall, it was a fantastic experience and I will definitely be back. I have the time in September to shoot another event and I can't decide whether to shoot at the same range (different shoot boss) or try another event that would be much further away.