Apple Seed Project - VA

Shadi Khalil

New member
Hello all & Happy Saturday.

The other day I stumbled upon the Apple Seed Projects website and really liked what I read. I've read abit about it on the forums but never really knew what they were all about. The next shoot in VA is December 8th - 9th. Since the 8th is my Birthday, I'm considering going for both days.

My main reason for wanting to attend is to improve my rifle skills. I recently was given a 22 rifle and I'm just not happy with my results on the range. My problem is I have no consistency because I don't really know much about shooting a rifle. The .22 is not my first rifle; I've owned an AK (or whatever the Romanian civilian variant was called)and I currently own a mossberg 500.

For those who have attend, what did you learn and blue did it help improve your rifle shooting abilities?

I went to my first back in 2010 and have since become an instructor with the program.

The biggest thing you'll learn (and from the sounds of things its what you're looking for) is the fundamentals. The course of fire isn't going to get into ninja tactics, but it will test how well you exercise the fundamentals - if they're not SOLID, it'll show.
Fundamentals and American Heritage

Appleseed goes for traditional rifle marksmanship. It helped me get a lot better. You'll sight in, learn about adjusting sights, natural point of aim, use of a sling, how to make a good solid hold, and work with three basic positions, standing, seated, and prone. The sling can feel awkward and you'll fight it a while, but it really, really helps settle your muzzle once you get it.

The other piece of it is the stories of the opening shots of the American Revolution. Appleseed as I've experienced it is scrupulously non-partisan, but very much pro-Liberty and very concerned with the 2nd Amendment. You can draw some well-founded conclusions about the beliefs of most of the attendees and instructors, but they don't hit you over the head with it.

You should go both days if at all possible. The first day has more instruction than the second, but there's some good review on the second day. I've found 400 rounds enough in each of 4 'seeds, but take 500+ to be safe.

Go through the "How to Prepare" and follow it!
The best thing you can do for your first appleseed is put a scope on your 22, or get the Tech Sights for your rifle so that you'll have sights that give you a calculated adjustment for when you go to zero. I'm assuming that the 22 rifle you were given is one with standard buckhorn style sights.

I've seen people try to use the stock sights on a Ruger 10/22 and it was frustration for all involved.


That is exactly what I'm looking for, I just never spent enough time around rifles to learn much.


I'm really interested in the history lesson as well, that's part of what drew me to the project. As far as ammo goes, last I checked they had it down to 200 rounds because of the ammo storage. I have plenty of access to good .22 ammo at reasonable prices so I'll bring double that.


I got the impression that it was only iron sights, am I wrong?
I've wanted to go to an Appleseed for years, and last weekend I finally did. It was a great experience.

Scopes are fine -- just be sure whatever you have is sighted in before you go.

To get the most out of the program, you need a semi-auto with a minimum of 2 detachable 10-rd magazines -- the pace is really fast, and the timed components of the qualifying test require 10-shot sequences (with a mag change) at "rifleman's cadence" in order to pass: inhale/exhale once, shoot, repeat... It's a challenge, to say the least.

If you don't have such a rifle, you don't need to rush out and buy one. Contact the shoot boss ahead of time, and they can arrange to have a loaner for you.

You'll learn a lot, and have fun doing it! :D
Be prepared for a good workout. Some of the drills you do a lot of changing positions from standing to prone timed. Be careful who you are near, hot brass is not fun to lay on if the guy nest to you is shooting .223 or .30 cal.
