Appeasement of Radical Islam in Europe

I love this guy. Thanks for posting this. I'll be passing this along as I think it's important(especially in an election year) for everyone to hear this message.
I enjoyed this, appeasement has never worked in the past - probably never will. You give an inch they want a foot...
By the time the European aborigines figure out it's time to fight, they're going to have have quite a challenge. They won't start out with any weapons other than kitchen knives and by then they'll be outnumbered. They also won't have much if any sympathetic representation in government.

America and any other country that could help will probably choose to side with whomever is in power there at the time (guess who that will be). My guess is resistance in Europe will be privately financed and intermittently successful, perhaps for centuries, before the will to fight evaporates and the autochthonous population either migrates or dies out.
For all you conservatives I just want you to know this guy is very anti religion. He equally hates all religions. Watch some of his other videos. How do you feel about agreeing with a person who think Jesus is gay? :D

Europe learned centuries ago that even if you pay the Danegeld, you never get rid of the Dane. Too bad they keep forgetting that lesson.

How the devout followers of a claimed religion of peace can justify constant violence whenever they feel insulted, let alone threatened leads me to doubt their rationality. Of course, religion is not about rationality, it is about belief and faith.

Appeasment does not work, other than as a temporary solution, and often not even then. Just look back at Europe 70 years ago, and see how well it worked then. Why would anyone think it will work any better today than it has in the past?

Isn't that one of the definitions of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result?
Atheist or not, he hit the nail squarely on the head in my opinion.

The worst thing for Islam just happens to be the very extremists he so wonderfully describes for us.

And how does his belief in Christ's sexual orientation change the context of the video? Do you think he is right or wrong? Why are you shooting the messenger instead of arguing the topic?
I do agree that he is off his rocker a bit when it comes to Christianity and his video on Scientology is idiotic.

I'm Catholic and follow the "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" philosophy. If you aren't hurting me, anyone else, or trying to push your beliefs onto people who have declined your offer, then I really don't have a problem. I may think you are weird, sick, whatever, as is my right. Just leave me out of it. One of my best friends is a Jehovah Witness, another is gay, a co-worker/friend practices Sikhism, (Very interesting religion to read about BTW.) quite a few I have no idea what their religion is. Each of us does our own thing and doesn't push our beliefs onto the other.

The problem I see with his videos at times is that he tends to group the entire religion into one unit. With Christianity you simply cannot do that as there are so many sects and variations of Christianity. It think he wouldn't look so nutty if he separated groups of a particular religion where appropriate. I sure as hell wasn't celebrating abortion clinic bombings and such when they happened. I was pissed as hell about the priest sex scandals. Don't group me in with those idiots.

Sometimes it is appropriate to group an entire religion. As we can see from observation, Islam is more or less one homogeneous religion with people who sometimes take differing interpretations, unlike Christianity where there are completely different schools of thought. Christianity certainly doesn't behave like a large angry mob like Islam does. In his videos he correctly separates the Islam extremists (Sadly, who seem to be a majority) from the moderates (Who unfortunately keep quiet most of the time.) who just want to be left alone.

He is human and even though misses the mark some of time. His thoughts of Islam are shared by many people and much of what he says is true.
If I recall correctly, I've seen/heard this commentary previously. It made sense originally, it makes sense now, which is NOT to say that The West doesn't own a lot to Moslem thinkers of the past.

Unfortunately, Moslem thinkers of the past, and Muslim rhetoric of today are quite far removed from each other.
If you aren't hurting me, anyone else, or trying to push your beliefs onto people who have declined your offer, then I really don't have a problem.
Need I remind you that you are afforded the luxury of that stance by virtue of your distance from immediate harm at the time. Counting on that to continue to be the case is wishful thinking that's landed countless millions dead over the course of the last century or less.
Need I remind you that you are afforded the luxury of that stance by virtue of your distance from immediate harm at the time. Counting on that to continue to be the case is wishful thinking that's landed countless millions dead over the course of the last century or less.

I think that would fall under the "anyone else" part of the quote you cited. Nothing to do with distance.