

Member In Memoriam
I understand that I may have given unintentional offense to our younger forum members in my post on the 'over 55' thread.
One problem about getting old...your aim isn't as good as it used to be. Guess this time I, like Hamlet "...shot my arrow over the house and hit my brother."
My sincere apologies to all of you. I'll try to be more careful about what and when I rant, in future.
Hey, Slabsides, what you did is what I'd bet everybody on this Forum has done at one time or another: Use the all-inclusive grand, sweeping generalization--without that real important word "Some". I know I have.

My wife has the occasional high-school grad show up looking for a job at her manufacturing operation. One requirement: Be able to read fractions on a ruler. Nope! On down the road...But that doesn't mean all "those kids" came out "iggerant".

Ever heard anybody cuss "bureaucrats"? And yet I've known many who do darn good jobs of dealing with the paperwork and red tape I need in order to meet various requirements of the law--the courthouse clerk on property deeds, the tax office on various records...

And the media never comments on those young whippersnappers who keep offering to open doors for me...

The key word is "Some".

:), Art
Well, maaayyyybe.
But only if you take me shooting and I get to blast away with some of your neat "toys"! ;)