Apex kits

Roland Thunder

New member
I was going to order the Apex Competition AEK for my newly purchased M&P CORE 9mm w/5" barrell. I was talking to some guys at the range that said they had the Apex kit on their M&P's. I noticed they had the flat trigger on their guns. I talked to Apex on the phone before purchasing my AEK kit and they told me the only triggers that will work with the AEK are these,

Apex M&P Polymer Action Enhancement Trigger or

Apex M&P Aluminum Action Enhancement Trigger

Could it be that the guys I was talking to at the range actually had the Apex Forward Set Sear & Trigger Kit and not the AEK
Apex Flat-Faced Forward Set Sear & Trigger Kit
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I have the forward set trigger in all my first gen M&P’s (1 core w/RMR, 1 fullsize w/irons & 1 9c). I love that trigger.

My 2.0 compact has the stock trigger in it and it is Good to go, as is.