Apartments and guns

Fuzzy Dice

Quick question for anyone living/familiar with Knoxville, TN:

When looking at potential apartments or extended stay hotels in Knoxville, will I have to be concerned with landlords allowing possession of legally owned firearms (pistols/rifles)? Can they be prohibited in an apartment lease?

Is it basically a "don't bring it up and don't worry" proposition?

Any info would be appreciated.

Keep your mouth shut, don't talk to your neighbors about them and when going in or out, carry man purse or attache case. And no hat, jacket or stickers.

When talking about apartments, this advice goes even for a gun friendly neighborhood or city.

If you can handle it, be a friendly nerd.
Don't offer to much info, read the lease agreement. If it doesn't prohibit firearms then no need to talk about it.
Loose lips sink ships.......or something like that.

I've rented in the past, and not once did a lease forbid firearms. Even if it had, it wouldn't have made any difference to me.
Heck, if there were such a prohibition in a lease, it would probably be grounds for a discrimination law suit.
Gun owners have civil rights, the same as anyone else.
Wouldn't it be fun?
I don't know anything about Tennessee firearms laws, but I do know two men living in Tennessee with awesome gun collections. I believe Tennessee is a very gun friendly state.
I told my apartment complex in South Carolina that I was a gunsmith student and had guns. They said they had more residents with guns than without. Your mileage may vary
g.willikers said:
Heck, if there were such a prohibition in a lease, it would probably be grounds for a discrimination law suit.....

Nope, discrimination is not illegal. You do it all the time. Every time you decide to shop in this store rather than that, you have discriminated. Every time you decide to buy this rather than that, you have discriminated.

Businesses discriminate all the time too, and legally. Apple stores discriminate against people who want to buy a PC by only selling Apple computers. Many restaurant discriminate against Orthodox Jews or Muslims by not strictly following the dietary laws of those religions. Many restaurants also discriminate against persons not wearing shirts and/or shoes by not admitting them. Tiffany discriminates against poor people in the prices they charge. Businesses also discriminate whenever they hire one person instead of another who has applied for the job.

Discrimination is merely choosing one thing over another or rejecting a possible choice. Discrimination is the very essence of freedom and private property. It is the right to choose. It is the right to exclude. It is the right to decide how you want to use your property.

Discrimination is perfectly legal, unless some law makes it illegal. There are laws that make discrimination illegal on various, specifically identified and defined bases, illegal -- at least if you're landlord. In general, gun owners are not, however, a protected class.
Thanks for all the great input. Being in New York where the state rifle is a whistle I can appreciate TN's adoption of the Barrett 50 as the state rifle.

Can't wait to get the heck out of here.
BTW, you might look into weight of a safe .Some floors may not support the weight of a large full safe !
Just because the lease doesn't prohibit them doesn't mean you won't get an ignorant property manager who may think it does. Read the lease very carefully and don't advertise that you have firearms.